| 01 January 2005 (USA)
Spin Trailers

A mysterious DJ is sent to a city block to mend a series of chain reactions that occur in our everyday lives.

RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
MartinHafer This is a very smart and clever short film that is included in a DVD set entitled "Toofy Shorts: Volume 1"--a very nice collection of short films shown at Colorado's Toofy Film Festival. It's going to be a bit hard to describe the film, but I was really impressed by the film because of its style and because it was so darn original.A hip-hop guy with a portable turntable and mixer is shown setting up his equipment on the sidewalk. In front of him is a tragedy--some poor guy got hit by a car and is either dead or severely injured. Oddly, however, when the hip-hop guy turns on his equipment, it's a time machine of sorts. As he moves the turntable backwards, time reverses and when it goes forward, time goes forth. Using this equipment, he is actually able to reverse the accident AND even change the outcome. However, in a clever twist, repeatedly the outcome was also a tragedy and it took him quite a while to set things right.How all this is told without words and so effectively is beyond me. Very good job.
Ted Gianopulos I thoroughly enjoyed this movie from the opening shot of the protagonist falling into frame, all the way to the end credits. This story is shot incredibly and told perfectly without one line being uttered from any of the actors. The direction proves to be very well done as the lead character is cast perfectly as a philanthropic DJ who is stuck with the ability to fix every mishap in the world with a spin of a record. He does so, but not without consequences that he also has to fix. The supporting players do a fine job as well. I think Winans shows his true genius in being able to write, direct and edit this entire project beautifully, not to mention the fact that he scored the film with his own music which is also fantastic! Great Job!
Winter Storm I saw this excellent short film at the Newport Beach Film Festival last spring. It concerns a DJ who has the ability to control time, but every time he makes an adjustment to prevent a tragedy, some bigger catastrophe occurs. The guy who plays the DJ is super-cool and has some great one-takes. The audience really got into it. Although there is no dialog, it has some great sound design. Unlike other short films, this one is actually SHORT and does not wear out its welcome. The acting, production values, special effects, and editing are all first rate -- and it's very, very funny. Highly recommended. (It is available on the web, but much better experienced in a theater.
Enchorde Recap: An unknown DJ sees the consequences after a recent accident. But just as with his records, this DJ has the power to rewind, and change what has happened. He sees that a dropped ball is the cause of the accident, and alters its path. So, the accident never happens. Mission accomplished. He packs his gear, turns to leave, but what happened to the ball...?Comments: A great short with nice humor about cause and effect in life. A really good story, a nice concept and in my opinion really well done. An inspiration.9/10