Special Forces
Special Forces
R | 12 October 2012 (USA)
Special Forces Trailers

Afghanistan. War correspondent Elsa Casanova is taken hostage by the Taliban. Faced with her imminent execution, a Special Forces unit is dispatched to free her. In some of the world’s most breathtaking yet hostile landscapes, a relentless pursuit begins between her kidnappers who have no intention of letting their prey escape them and a group of soldiers who risk their lives in pursuit of their single aim – to bring her home alive. This strong, independent woman and these men of duty are thrown together and forced to confront situations of great danger that inextricably bind them – emotionally, violently and intimately.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
chinth Plot is much similar to Special Forces (2003). It is based on US special forces in a former soviet country trying to rescue a journalist. This movie is likely to be a remake of Special Forces (2003). Actors are well suited to portray the roles of Special Force soldiers, specially with the beard, as many armies allow their special forces to keep their beard unshaven.
sequbu There is little positive that can be said about this movie, to be precise, NOTHING.With contemporary movies orientated more towards realism this movie tends to take you back in time to the 80's; "Nothing like the real world"; a shame. SPOILER!!!!To sum it up, a French reporter get's taken by the Taliban after insisting that she can save a girl who is to be killed by them.France acts like the US, "we can not allow that French citizens be treated like this in the world", and dispatches a unit of French SF to save the girl; all this before the President even gives the go.And here it is where it starts to get bad. French SF parachute during plane daylight into the drop zone; who cares that anyone could see them. The SF have a easy time taking out the Taliban holding the girl and start heading towards the pickup zone. Problem starts when the ONE communication device that the unit had with them gets destroyed by a bullet, yes they carried only one, and they miss their ride. The French SF are portrayed as complete inept by director to Stéphane Rybojad, as they just didn't bother to plan ahead an alternative pull out plan "Do you have a Plan B? NO". Also according to him the Taliban seem to living under the rocks in the mountains, as they just keep popping up and killed by the dozens a la Storm Trooper's throughout the entire movie; not to mention that they do not need to rest or anything like that. The French unit enters a escape that last 10 days, going over mountain chains a la Lord of the Rings. The only reason why the French Unit makes it so long is because the Taliban's are just more inept then them. But of course, as a bad movie is, after surviving a face of battle against the Taliban where the French didn't even bother to take any kind over cover, of course defeating the Taliban, they start to get killed one after an other.I love movies and I always watch them till the end, but this movie was SO bad, I started writing this review when there where still 20 min left of it; believe me, in those 20 min it got only worse like a cliché like final face off battle between the hero and the villain.Eventually the girls survives, of course, the hero does as well, of course, and we have a bad cliché ending.If I can recommend anything it would be to not wast your time and watch it, unless it's for a cinematic class where you want to put is as an example of a bad movie and director.
John-S362 First and most important, this movie is a tribute and sadly describe a mission going south. Having watched both versions (French and English) A lot got lost in the translation... It displays an actual and realistic shady world that most don't want to believe exists. Being a serviceman myself, it please me seeing movie like this that revolves real everyday heroes that lives in the shadows. They made it more real than Act of Valor and by far. They can't make it more real and 'pleasing' for the general population than this as anything more would be a documentary. I've seen reviews bashing 'elites' and so on, do your research or speak of experience. Quick example ***SPOILER*** The sniper take down, people wonder why he runs after hitting the enemy in the leg... Where there is one,there is two... He assumes he's not alone and relocate to take second shot as hes exposed already.If a second shooter would try to shoot ,he knows its not the same one... ***SPOILER END8***Overall, if you want to watch an accurate and sneak peak of how quickly things can go wrong and the sacrifices some makes everyday. Watch this movie with an eye of culture , not pure entertainment void to fill and you might see things differently. I say again , it is a tribute and borderline documentary.
suite92 Maina gives Elsa an interview. She reveals her face, and the fact that her family sold her as a child to Zaief. This sets the stage for all the difficulties that follow.Emily is kidnapped, French special forces gather to rescue her with the backing of the highest reaches of the French government.Zaief has an interview with a high-ranking religious figure; he does not quite get the blessing he had hoped for. Maina and some of her supporters are murdered, firing squad style. The Special Forces group does not intervene, since their orders are for reconnaissance only.They find Elsa and Amen early on, and start the long and winding escort to freedom.Forty minutes in, their expected evacuation by helicopter fails due to lack of radio contact. This seemed a bit implausible, but allowed the rest of the screenplay to proceed.They continue with the odds against them. Sacrifices are made, and the mission is eventually successful in a technical sense.----Scores-----Cinematography: 10/10 Top notch; magnificent visuals.Sound: 10/10 Great sound.Acting: 8/10 I thought the actors performed well versus the script.Screenplay: 7/10 Dragged a bit in the middle. A small number of the fighting tactics looked amateurishly stupid. Compared to a number of recent American action films, this is intelligent, well plotted, and engaging.
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