| 06 October 2000 (USA)
Sorted Trailers

A young lawyer gets more than he bargains for while investigating his brother's mysterious death.

Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
lishka *possible spoilers*Forget Sorted as a serious analysis of club culture and you may find some entertainment. Admittedly I wasn't aware of this when I sat down to watch it, which is why I was left with that feeling of "have these people ever SEEN the inside of a nightclub?!!"Quite obviously, they haven't.Tim Curry - complete with cigarette holder, velvet smoking jacket etc - camps it up to another dimension, with classic gut-laughing lines like "administer the heroin - then return her to the citadel..". Oh sure, he's woeful but you can't help laughing. And some of the unlikely drug taking scenes too bear all the hallmarks of those who have no idea. "I love you, have you got any water" being a case in point.Oh and what was the point of the dead brother being Tim Vincent? Using a photo was certainly an original way of getting a 'celebrity' into the movie without paying them a bean.Hilarious! ...2/5
bsinc I was very surprised at the rating of this movie. I just loved it (the last half hour excluded). "Sorted" has a surprisingly high production value and it easily looks like an expensive movie. There are some great club scenes that really make you feel like you want to be there, accompanied with nice music, and Matthew Rhys did an excellent job.There is however a weak script and the previously mentioned ending which ruins all the potential this movie had of being a cult classic. Tim Curry in a bizarre and unnecessary role that screams of stupidity and predictability, the whole thing is just so unbelievably bad it physically hurts. Sad, could have been much more. 6/10
deelkar This movie has one of the best club scenes, very good soundtrack (if you like techno/trance music)some situations (As the main character Carl begins to take drugs for example) are a little off reality, but the plot is entertaining, but the characters are all a little shallow...I'd not recommend you to see this film if you don't like techno musicFor the plot/acting alone this movie is a 4/10, with the really cool special effects and the club scenes and soundtrack it's a 7/10, but if you would want to go to the movies just to hear nice tracks and grab a little club feeling, it's a 10/10.the special effects are sometimes hidden, sometimes clearly visible. (i.e. fast moving clouds/sun/moon, morphing background, morphing cuts)I for one enjoyed it very much, a shame there was no dancefloor in the cinema ;)
IanQuigley A rather disappointing film. The club scenes were ok, but over done. The plot was thin and boring. It's only redeeming features were some of the characters. The Chemist and The DJ were pretty fun characters. Tim Curry's character was just bizarre and stupid.