Sophie's Revenge
Sophie's Revenge
| 14 August 2009 (USA)
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Dumped by her fiance just two months before their wedding, comic strip writer Sophie hatches an elaborate plan to get her Jeff back and punish the movie star, Joanna, who seduced him away. She finds herself a partner, Gordon, an ex-lover of Joanna's. The two start on a comic adventure full of laughs and tears, aided by Sophie's two best friends, Lucy and Lily. At the eve of her success, Sophie suddenly faced of having to chose between a repentant Jeff and Gordon who has fallen for her.

Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
sangos123 but the 2 dudes are such big hen pecked pussies chasing 2 unavailable women! Eva Jin you should know that wussies are unattractive to women and reprehensible to real men! Okay am writing the mandatory 10 lines: The Good: Great character build up. Fast paced story. Funny situations. Beautiful women - one sane the other not quite so.The not so good - are two weak guys who wear their hearts on their sleeves. So from the start its a failed romantic setup for both couples. The high maintenance actress loses both the guys either because she is structured or not interested or both. The saner cartoonist is on the rebound. Or maybe this whole story is just 2 women being bitches but there an't a shred of romance in this flick. Not so funny overall.
KineticSeoul This is a very bad romantic comedy. There really isn't anything positive to say about it, except the neat,vivid and colorful editing stuff with thought's of Sophie's popping out. Never liked Zhang ZiYi and I personally think she is a pretty bad at acting, and it really shows in this film. Her facial expressions were just awkward and stupid looking, like she is retarded or something. Fan Bing Bing did a okay job playing the high maintenance girlfriend though. Some girls that don't know films very well might like this movie though, but besides that I can tell why this has such negative reviews. I can tell what it's trying to do, but fails on many levels. Some reviewers are saying negative stuff about Zhang ZiYi and I agree with what they say for the most part. She is so awful in this, gosh like I said not only is her acting bad, she really needs to work on her facial expressions cause it turns off the mood of what it's trying to achieve. This is about a crazy girl who can't deal with break up and goes bonkers and starts doing retarded stuff and most of it, isn't cute at all. Even for a silly romantic comedy, it just doesn't work. If your into this type of genre, there is better romantic comedies.3/10
overseer-3 There are a lot of romantic comedies like Sophie's Revenge, so there was nothing that unusual about it that would set it apart from others of its same ilk, except for its extremely attractive cast, including Ziyi Zhang (The Road Home, Forever Enthralled, etc) and almost impossibly handsome Korean actor So Jisub (I'm Sorry, I Love You, Cain and Abel, etc). If you have never seen the cast's other work you'll probably not be interested in this film, which borders on the ludicrous, but if you are a fan of one or more of them you'll probably enjoy it. There's no doubt about it though that these stars have far better films under their belts.I am not sure So Jisub knows Mandarin so I suspect he was saying his (few) lines phonetically. He does better with his natural Korean, but I suppose he was hired here to be eye candy for the females in the audience. ;) There is too much reliance on CGI in this film as well. I quickly lose patience when filmmakers rely too heavily on it for gags and story plot lines, instead of the actors doing natural humor. The best screen comedians in film history did NOT rely on special effects.The story is about a woman's revenge in trying to get her doctor boyfriend back from a film star he was fallen in love with. She has a huge imagination in dreaming up ways to get him back, but unfortunately her ways do not generate sympathy toward her character. For instance, putting glass shards down on the bathroom floor for her rival to step on? That's going too far. If you can't win him back honestly then maybe he's not for you in the first place.7 out of 10 on the IMDb.
sam-wang85 I was tricked to see a true "romance" in this movie, however there is not except deception, crazy women and stupid ideas. So this Sophie, an innocent girl? Revenge is good? I don't understand how dare they promote their rubbish and please don't pay to see this movie, unless you are an idiot as them.what? minimum 10 lines?OK if I have to say some, I will say the actress Zhang is almost awful and I don't understand why she is still working in this industry. Fan is definitely a better role however still a crazy woman's story I don't know why there is a movie about it.