Sonic Impact
Sonic Impact
| 14 November 2000 (USA)
Sonic Impact Trailers

A dangerous criminal hijacks a plane with his fellow prisoners and threatens to crash it into a populated area. The agent who captured him sets out to stop him.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
alija-bih this movie is so shocking, that after watching it i was so infuriated that i actually bothered to come online and sign up to this website to be able to let people know just how bad it is. The action scenes were so moronic a monkey could have directed this movie. How the plot unraveled left me thinking that this movie was created for monkeys.Do yourself a favor and don't watch it if it comes on TV.if you want to see something similar go watch Airforce One with Harrison Ford, that was a good movie from memory.What else do I have to write for this review to go through.
ginger77 I guess what amazes me the most is how poor a job the director did in editing and continuity of this film. It's bad enough that they used so much inflight footage of the "Airport 75" classic movie, but there are so many disconnects, it's screwy. First, the plane was supposed to make an emergency landing in San Bernadino or somewhere, when it was actually Salt Lake City. The airport scenes there showed the airfield from way back in the early 1970s, so it's not too close to the actual time frame of the movie at all. The crash/fire/rescue trucks even said "Salt Lake City Fire Department" on them. Then, the medical personnel on the plane after it landed had jumpsuits that said "Los Angeles City Fire Department EMS" on them.The cockpit scenes showed a 3-engine plane's controls, when they were really flying in a 4-engine Boeing 747.Oh, well, it was fun to watch anyway!
rayblueline Given its obviously limited resources, Sonic Impact does what it sets out to do pretty nicely. Which is, of course, to elevate the blandness of the "Die Hard" subgenre "...On A Plane" to new heights. Pardon the pun. Sonic Impact is derivative in every aspect, but proves that you can be derivative of the 20-million dollar big boys with a couple grand. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; take Sonic Impact as the most straight-faced of compliments.
evilflipphone Under no circumstances take this movie seriously! Expect to laugh - a lot. If you hold onto this frame of mind (tightly), this movie is actually pretty cool.It's the oldie but goodie plotline - bad guy transported on commercial airliner gets free of inept captors and takes entire plane hostage.My, my, my. How I giggled! Everything from Michael Harris' sarcasm; James Russo's scarily eerie ability to seemingly go for long stretches of time without blinking; the hole in the cockpit; every stray bullet's attraction to the cockpit.... was it intentionally amusing? I think not. Is Ice-T's acting shocking? It is. Is the movie worth watching? Oh yes. :::snigger:::