Son of Sinbad
Son of Sinbad
NR | 02 June 1955 (USA)
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Legendary pirate and adventurer Sinbad is in single-minded pursuit of two things: beautiful women and a substance called Greek Fire--an early version of gunpowder.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
tedg Howard Hughes is the man.This will probably be considered too cheesy to watch by most.The acting is horrible and the production values? Well, lets just say they used coarse brushes on the painted backdrops. This could be Vincent Price's most ridiculous role and that's saying a lot. He plays Omar Khayyám, possibly the brightest man who lived in historical times. Here he is a slackmouthed sidekick who writes alluring phrases for the stupid Lothario to clumsily recite. The women swoon nonetheless.But this has two things that matter. One is that the story actually makes sense, more sense than any modern adventure. But you won't notice this, because the movie is about sex. Hughes doesn't mess around because he knows his stuff.There are two harem dance sequences. The first occupies the first five minutes of the movie. Nothing happens until we end this dance, something that has nothing whatever to do with the story. The Arabs are played by scowling extras, but the roles that mattered are played by pros. The two dancers are the top stripper in Turkey, and the top stripper in Los Angeles. Scattered about are dozens of harem womenAnd it has some gags that are better than anything in Indiana Jones. For instance Sinbad and Omar stop in the middle of the huge desert and Sinbad starts digging. Why? Because he guesses that the bad guy will erect his harem's tent over the spot. Sure enough...The 40 thieves in this version are the sexy Amazonian daughters of the originals, led by the love interest, the nearly nude redhead dancer Sally Forrest. She claimed to have auditioned privately for Hughes. Her dance here is the whole story.This was incidentally when Howard became the goto guy for CIA gadgets. The special effects here revolve around "Greek fire," a legendary explosive. Here the "formula" is hidden in a beauty's mind, to be recovered by trance induced by a moving faceted prism. Hughes Aircraft would soon make the key breakthrough in modern thermobaric explosives.Ted's Evaluation -- 3 of 3: Worth watching.
crispy_comments Guaranteed to make you feel like a dirty old man (if you aren't one already, and I'm NOT) - "Son Of Sinbad" is nothing but an excuse to ogle a bunch of scantily clad harem girls.The plot (such as it is) pauses frequently to allow another bimbo to wiggle her hips in an unnecessarily long dance sequence. The most ludicrous example being near the end of the movie, when one of the Good Guys thinks they won't have time to perform the spell which would defeat the Bad Guys. Well, gee, maybe you would've had more time if you hadn't just sat around for the last 10 minutes watching an Arabian Pole Dance! Most offensive however, is the speech Vincent Price delivers, wherein he convinces a certain group of women to give up their independent lifestyle so they can "love" men and bear their children instead! Still, Vincent Price is the only saving grace here (and the only reason I tuned in). His droll line delivery elevates the far-from-clever script. Needless to say, nobody else in this stinker was hired for their acting abilities. For instance, when one of the girls loses someone dear to her and finds herself in danger (I'm being cryptic so I don't "spoil" the "story" for you - Ha!), the "actress" displays no grief or fear as anyone would in her situation. Instead she pouts like a pampered floozy who didn't get the fur coat her sugar daddy promised her.Howard Hughes was notorious for stashing away lotsa women for his own personal harem. So it's no surprise that he produced this crapfest of a film. What is surprising, is that Vincent Price agreed to be a part of something so beneath his talents, and so very sexist. And don't tell me that *he* was a dirty old man too, 'cause I really don't want to know. Let me retain a little faith in humanity, 'kay?
MisterBurlesque Son of Sinbad is a dull film, more or less only watchable at scan speed. But what redeems this film is the performances by some of the top names in burlesque during the 1950s. A big thanks to Howard Hughes and those responsible for making this film. Burlesque Queen Lili St. Cyr is breathtakingly beautiful, and wears some of the most glamorous and lavish costumes seen in any harem-themed movie. Wonderful exotic dancing sequences featuring Nejla Ates and Kalantan make this film a must-see for fans of burlesque. Unfortunately, there's no stiptease here, but Son of Sinbad features a bevy of beauties in colorful costumes that make for some delectable eye-candy. There's no doubt the girls are the main attraction here, with a little story, plot, and action built around them.
SanDiego Sally Forrest's lush legs are wonderfully on display in a dance scene where she appears "Almost Nude!" Yummy. Corny but colorful not-so-serious adventure is enhanced by a dance scene that tends to tip it's hand to strip club dancing (complete with pole!) This segment is not as polished as her dance scene in "Excuse My Dust!" but she shows a lot more skin. Once again: Yummy!
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