Son of Dracula
Son of Dracula
| 12 April 1974 (USA)
Son of Dracula Trailers

Due to be crowned King of the Netherworld by his mentor Merlin the Magician, Count Downe–the son of Count Dracula–falls in love with the beautiful but human Amber and finds himself in conflict with Baron Frankenstein, who is vying for the same honorary title.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
jacobjohntaylor1 This is a sequel to Dracula. It is also a sequel to Frankenstein this is a great movie. It has great acting. It also has a great story line. It also has special effects. It also has great music. This is a great movie. See it. 4.8 is underrating it. It is a great horror film. It is also a great musical. It is one of the best musical of all time. Ringo Star is in it so it has to be a great musical. The this movie. It is so different. You need to see this movie. It is a must see. Dracula (March 1931) is better. Dracula (1992) is better. Nosferatu (1922) is also better. Dracula (1958) is also better. Dracula (1979) is also better. Dracula's Daughter (1936) is also better. But still this is a great horror movie see it.
karmagarden2 It is campy, irreverent, and just a downright hoot. I have been searching for a copy of this movie for YEARS! I remember it clearly. It came to a local theatre and I called in sick to school and work to go see it. I loved it so much I went to see it as often as I could till it left town. I bought the album, (with two great talents like Harry and Ringo what's not to love?!) It had an iron on inside that was spread open bat wings and in Gothic lettering in the middle of the wings was "BITE IT". Oh man I got 2 t-shirts out of that one transfer and wore them till they fell apart!!!! I would buy this movie in a heartbeat if I could find it and watch it every weekend! If you like Monty Python, Hedwig, Rocky Horror, The Addams Family.... this is right up your alley. Did you like Popeye with Robin Williams? If not, this isn't going to be to your liking I am pretty sure. Same type of humor. Subtle and offbeat, if that is you then see this movie. I don't think you will regret it. I never have.
dvan1959 I purchased a copy of the soundtrack in high school and wore it out! I did not get to see this movie when it came out. 31 years later I found a bootleg copy on ebay. Great music, but an awful movie. The story has very little dialog and never goes anywhere. Such a waist of great musical talent. Harry Nilsson's who is one of the forgotten song writers of the seventies acting is so bad that he makes Ringo Starr look good. The song daybreak is a different mix than the album and the camera is so frame so close that you almost don't see Keith Moon playing drums. Freddie Francis who directed this movie is a great cinematographer (The French Lieutenants Women) and camera man (Moby Dick 1956) but should have skip this film project. Fine the soundtrack and forget this movie!
fast_n_bulbous We all have them, you know...those movies that for whatever reason we somehow managed to miss in the theatre and can't find available on video and never gets shown on TV. This one, for many years, was mine. My holy grail film.I have loved the music of Harry Nilsson for 30 years, and the Beatles as well both solo and collectively even longer. When I read about this film in the pages of the late, lamented Creem magazine, I couldn't wait to see it! When I was a teenager, my friends (well, the cool ones anyway) had the (excellent) soundtrack album with its generous helpings of film dialogue, so I knew lines from SoD long before I saw it. But it rarely (never where I could see it!)was shown on TV and was not available through normal video channels...I finally got a copy through a video service that specialized in foreign Kung Fu and porn (!). Breathlessly, I put it in the VCR, hit play, and...Well, lets just say it wasn't exactly worth the wait.Son of Dracula is, I am sorry to say, just a terrible film in nearly every respect. It looks cheap and is horribly acted by everyone involved, especially Harry, whom I regard as one of the finest songwriters ever, but is no actor. Ringo is, well, Ringo. It's hard to dis the likeable Mister Starkey and be convincing about it, and he gives a typical Ringo performance here-no more, no less. He gets by , as always in his non-drumming endeavors, on his charm. I had hoped that it would be better served by the direction of Freddie Francis, the Hammer horror veteran, but SoD just looks so shoddy that it is obvious that he couldn't care less and was just picking up a paycheck. The story is a jumbled, confusing mess, and the makeup is ineptly done. Perhaps this can be excused a little by the fact that SoD was intended as a spoof, but even on these terms it is a failure.That being said, SoD is not entirely without merit-it's great to see Nilsson perform "live" (he never did so during his real career) with an all-star band, and there is a clever scene where Harry puts the bite on a nubile young female while T.Rex's "Chariot Choogle" from his "Slider" LP is playing in the background (they even show Harry putting the needle on the record, which sports a T.Rex WaxCo. label-unseen in the USA and very cool for this fan of not only Harry but Marc Bolan as well).I can't recommend this to anyone but hardcore Nilsson fans (we are few in number but ardent nonetheless!), and even then with a caveat; my advice is don't expect much and you won't be disappointed. Much.