Somebody Up There Likes Me
Somebody Up There Likes Me
NR | 08 March 2013 (USA)
Somebody Up There Likes Me Trailers

Thirty-five years in the life of Max, his best friend Sal and a woman they both adore, Lyla. The trio stumble through mandatory but seemingly unfulfilling entanglements, at weddings, funerals, hospitals, eateries, divorce courts and the tool shed. A deadpan fable about time sneaking up on and swerving right around us.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
kevin-1272 You know that moment when you're around people who are trying to be more clever than they actually are? Trying to appear witty and edgy and oh, so avant guard? The type of person who puts a book by Joseph Campbell next to something by Lynda Barry on the coffee table because they want to be seen as hip intellectuals, edgy social commentators on the human condition? The type of person who wears mis-matched socks because they refuse to conform to convention? The type that wants you to acknowledge their nonconformity and free, independent spirit. The type who has business cards made up that say "Artist"? That's what this movie felt like. My wife and daughter and I watched this through cable streaming (there's $8 I'll never see again) because it looked a quirky, independent comedy, and we love quirky independent comedies. And because it had Nick Offerman in it. was probably independent, but it wasn't quirky or a comedy. And I'm horrified that Hollywood may be right about greenlighting movies based solely on genre and name-brand actors, because, like I said, they have my $8.First, the good: Alex Ross Perry as the Pizza and Ice Cream store's first customer was wonderful.Stood out from the crowd and as far as I was concerned was the only redeemable moment in the film. He's a good actor and since he was nominated for a John Cassevetes award (For a different film) this year, we'll probably get to see more of him.That's it. About 1 1/2 minutes. The rest was too busy trying to be clever and witty and charming and edgy to be any of those. The screenplay was banal, the casting was god-awful (just goes to show how important casting is), and Shawn Price Williams's cinematography was really bad - full of amateurish mistakes. I thought the manic zooming in Jeff, Who Lives at Home was bad, but the overexposed shots in this film were worse. Did not serve the story at all and seemed to have no rationale other than an impulsive need to seem arty at random places. I'd swear that once Williams opened the iris in the middle of a shot. No reason. Just did it. I love Offerman. I love Alex Ross Perry. Everything Can't recommend it. I can't lay out all the lame, pretentious plot problems because they are spoilers (there's a joke there somewhere), but it reads like a film that had huge problems getting finished and was shot largely without a script - constructing story as they went.
Annika Hänni First of all, this is a great film with a great humour.It's enjoyable to watch because the film doesn't try to force wit on you and try to convince you that it's funny.But on another note, I am just writing this review to tell everyone not to listen to the reviews complaining about people not getting older in the film. IF you would pay attention to the plot and watch the film to the end (as you are supposed to, or am I wrong?) then you'd understand why they did that on purpose. I think it is really worth watching if you like these kind of independent films (such as Scott Pilgrim, Dirty Girl etc.)
everyonesa_critic I ended up renting this movie on On Demand because Nick Offerman was promoting it. Even though the movie is only a little over an hour, it feels much longer. It's genre is listed as a comedy, but there is truly nothing funny about it. All the characters are unlikable and unsociable. And why I had to list spoiler alert... Everyone in the movie has sex with the other. It was so incest-driven. To top it off, no one in the entire movie ages except for the kid, which ruins the timeline all together. When the characters are supposed to be in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, they still look like they're 25. Just because a movie is dry and an independent release doesn't mean it's good or that you have to be the "right kind of person" to "get it". Sometimes, movies are just crappy. Like this one.
Greg75 So I got stuck in the metro because of an accident on the line, so I went out of the station, it was raining and very cold, so I found shelter in this Paris art-house cinema, mostly because of my everlasting interest for films, but also attracted by -let's face it- the nice poster with bright colors, as the night was falling and the frost was biting my feet. After 5 minutes in the empty screening room (the usher was not sure that there would be a "private screening" just for me but then another person walked in), so then after 5 minutes I knew that this film had already shown it all, and that there would not be any surprise to come : I was facing a time warp into the early 90s indie cr*p, the sort of film made by some Hal Hartley wannabe, with a twist of today's Solondzness. Caricatural shifty/witty/ugly/unlikeable characters, lots of void & pouting glares between cues, pretentious unfunny comedy lines, annoying corny little music score. Love & melodrama between the kitchen sink and the bathroom, over 20 years in the lives of unfathomably dull characters (could have been a French film, but not even). A deluge of clichés resuming in a film that, in a normal world, should have stuck to a late night screening of a penniless, remote & semi-freaky festival. But released theatrically ? I just couldn't believe my eyes. At that point (10 minutes), I felt an urge to rush out. I could obviously face the rain, and the possibility of the metro being still blocked and of having to bump into throngs of hurrying people in the streets. I chose to stay. It was warm in there. I played Angry Birds for the rest of the film (the Star Wars edition). The images of the film were sort of gliding over my forehead, making their way to the back of the room. I could follow the plot effortlessly without really watching or listening. One of the most miserable evenings of my life so far.