This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Allison Davies
The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
Horst in Translation (
"Manche Mögen's Glücklich" ("Some Like It Happy") is a television movie from 2012. The writer-director team has experience in making shallow movies with very few memorable features for a long long time now. That is also why the outcome of this film could not be called surprising. It's actually a pity to see a talented and attractive actress like Julia Brendler in a film like this. She has worked in several big screen movies, in lead roles even and given convincing performances in the past. His male counterpart Stephan Luca, however, is exactly the type you would expect in a cheesy, mostly unfunny, romantic comedy like this. And then we also have Heinz Hoenig. He created th probably best character from this film here and you see easily that he is too talented for the rest of the cast here (except Brendler maybe).The film's biggest weakness is, not very surprisingly, the script. A man's name is Gärtner and of course they have to use the Reinhard Mey song "Der Mörder Ist Immer Der Gärtner" as a reference to his name. I really cringed, Yes it was supposed to be unfunny and irritating in that scene, but still. Horrible, just horrible. And there are some more bad plays on words. I will not go into detail here. You really don't want to hear these anyway. The fake pregnancy scene with the police officer was another negative highlight. And why do females in these kind of films always have to have another partner before they find the right one? And the other partner is always depicted almost exclusively in a negative manner, so why are they even together? Also, the title is an unfunny gooey reference to "Some like it hot" and tells you pretty much already the direction this film is gonna take. If you really think about it, it could be a reference to Luca's character, but it still has not anything to do with the movie really and it seems they just wanted to fake-name a very famous movie.I really wish films like these would not be made anymore, but I guess some people love to watch them despite how embarrassing they are. I would have given this film a much lower score if it wasn't for Brendler (at least she was easy on the eye), Hoenig (had the only funny moments of the film) and (in one or two scenes) Luca. The actors were not the problem of this 90-minute movie, but everything else pretty much sucked. Not recommended.