R | 03 February 2017 (USA)
Eloise Trailers

Four friends break into an abandoned insane asylum in search of a death certificate which will grant one of them a large inheritance. However, finding it soon becomes the least of their worries in a place haunted by dark memories.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
dannyklee2 the most unrealistic acting I have ever seen. also very bad directing, bad sound, bad lighting, bad everything ! Casting was very bad too. the only interesting thing is some of the outdoor shots and you get to see something that is somewhere else so it got some kind of value, but aside from that, the movie totally suck.
jmix66 *** This review may contain spoilers *** When a film starts with a premise that is both legally and technically incorrect (that you'd have to go to a hospital where someone may or may not have died to retrieve a death certificate)then you know that you are in trouble. When you have then have to believe that someone would have to commit a a series of felonies just to get something which is readily available at any state's department of vital records (for a small fee) then you know that the film you are watching is a dog.This is very little suspense in this film and almost no real "horror." The "disturbing scenes" are actually quite tame in comparison to most films out on the market. And the protagonist and his cohort are not interesting enough to distract the viewer from the numerous inconsistencies and plot holes which which this film is replete.Other than to see the always exceptional Eliza Dushku in form-fitting clothing and perhaps to enjoy a vintage Cadillac convertible being shown, there's really nothing here to recommend this film. It's another dull and forgettable low budget offering whose trailer is far more interesting than its entirety.
Jeffrey Oh, dear Lord – where to begin? A horror film? The only thing horrific about this movie is that it was filmed at all. The plot is nonsensical to the point of being laughable. The acting is forgettable to say the least, and this from a guy who has tremendous admiration for Eliza Dushku. But even her fading skills cannot resurrect this travesty. The plot holes are so huge and so numerous as to belie description. Let's start with the asylum itself, supposedly abandoned for 30 years. Amazingly, it still has power to all the lights, although they all are flickering constantly. Having all the red EXIT lights still visible and functioning after three decades was a nice touch. The hospital medicine cabinet is still fully stocked after 30 years, which allows one of the ridiculously unnecessary characters to accidentally absorb some LSD. Say what? I found myself regularly saying "Seriously?" out loud, even though I was alone. It was that bad. Not even any gratuitous sex scenes to liven things up, nor does the still-luscious Eliza even wear any form fitting clothes for some desperately-needed eye candy. This film disappoints on virtually every level. I would give it a zero rating if I could. The only thing you will want after watching is to somehow get that wasted hour and a half back. Eliza, Eliza ... are times really that hard now?
dcarsonhagy "Eloise" is a film based on the actual Eloise Asylum located in Michigan. Eloise has quite a history and not all of it good.Jacob and Dell are pretty good friends, and when Jacob is advised of his father's death, he is also told by the attorney handling the estate that he is the sole inheritor of $1.2 million--providing he can get the actual death certificate of a former aunt who--you guessed it-- resided at Eloise. He tells Dell of his need and since Dell is also in dire need of cash (to the tune of $20,000) he agrees to help. They should have just waited for the state to declare his aunt officially dead.Along the way they encounter Eliza Dushku and her brother who apparently has a connection AND the blueprints to Eloise. They break in; getting out is the problem.I will not be as critical of this movie as most. I thought the story line was developed nicely (it did actually make sense), and the acting and directing was better than most movies of this genre. There was not an overuse of blood and gore and the director did manage to build some actual tension. That does not mean the movie is without its warts, because it did have plenty. Rated "R" for language, disturbing images, and some violence. This one is a toss-up.