Solid Serenade
Solid Serenade
NR | 31 August 1946 (USA)
Solid Serenade Trailers

Tom ties up Spike and sneaks into the courtyard of the glamorous Toodles Galore with his bass, hoping to woo her with his song, much to the annoyance of a sleeping Jerry.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Tweekums This short opens with Tom heading over to serenade Toodles. After hitting Spike over the head with a mallet and tying him up Tom sings 'Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby' while playing the double bass. She enjoys the music but Jerry doesn't; he is trying to sleep but the noise is bouncing him around his room. Eventually he can stand it no longer and ends Tom's performance with a pie (containing an iron) to the face! Not happy at the intrusion Tom chases after him only to see Jerry undoing the ropes that he'd used to tie up Spike... a quick about turn and Tom is fleeing for his life. We get the usual to and fro as Tom and Spike fight with the expected interference from Jerry. Even with all the fighting Tom doesn't forget he is there to woo Toodles... pity he accidentally kisses Spike!This is a really good entry into the 'Tom and Jerry' series; I was expecting Jerry to disrupt Tom's performance but thankfully he waited till it was just about over as I was really enjoying it; using a well known song reminded me of some early 'Betty Boop' shorts. Once the action starts it is the sort of violence one expects; gratuitous and funny; the best joke isn't violent at all though; it is when Tom goes to kiss Toodles with his eyes closed but ends up kissing Spike and saying how much he loves her (him)... then realises his mistake! The animation is really good; typical of the period and much better than some of the later efforts; I loved the little details such as Jerry's sardine tin bed and table with matches for legs.
TheLittleSongbird My brother, sisters and I have loved Tom and Jerry since a very young age. Solid Serenade is one of my favourite cartoons of their, not my absolute favourite though. It is I agree quite violent especially the ending but it is certainly not the most violent, nor a cartoon that is so violent it's unwatchable. Plus the visual gags are funny and inventive. Also helping enormously are the lovely animation and the superb music, the song that Tom sings is really beautiful and romantic. The vocals weren't half bad either. The characters are fine as well, Spike(or Killer as he is known here) isn't given as much to do but he can be quite savage here, while Tom is both charming and dastardly and Jerry sweet and clever. Plus the female cat is a stunner! Overall, if you love Tom and Jerry this is a must see! 10/10 Bethany Cox
Shawn Watson Tom sneaks into a well protected garden to serenade a gorgeous female kitty. But first he has to tie up Spike (here called 'Killer'). His chosen song is actually 'Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby?', which is actually very cool song.Too bad Jerry doesn't share the same sentiments. Tom's crooning is keeping him awake in his letterbox/bedroom and he just wants him to shut the hell up.Jerry actually only gets to torment Tom a couple of times in this cartoon. Most of the pain is dished out by Spike. And it is very, very funny, with great visual jokes and humor.
ccthemovieman-1 Tom gets to do some picking early on as he torments and then ties up "Killer" the watchdog. Tom wants to serenade some cat-beauty in the window and needs the dog out of the way. Tom then shows us his musical talent - and it's hilarious - as he sings Cab Calloway-swing-style and plays the bass with the toes! That number - "Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby?" is a lot of fun to see and hear.Jerry, sleeping contently in his sardine can, is woken by the music, hates it and baits Tom into chasing him at his place nearby. That's the second half of this story and there is more funny and clever material, especially when Jerry frees "Killer " and sicks him on the poor cat.We also get to hear Tom's French imitation of Charles Boyer, which is really a hoot.This is one excellent cartoon - really good stuff.
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