Soldier Boyz
Soldier Boyz
R | 23 November 1995 (USA)
Soldier Boyz Trailers

A group of prisoners are going to Vietnam to rescue the daughter of a V-I.P. The Ones who survive get their freedom back...but hell awaits them.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Maziun This movie is a stupid and cheesy 90's copy of classic "Dirty Dozen". Unfortunately Michael Dudikoff ("American ninja") is no Lee Marvin ("Delta force") and "Soldier boyz" is one bad movie. Everything sucks here – story , acting , dialogues , action scenes… The American youth here is nothing , but a bunch of stereotypes. The violence on streets , street gangs , violence in family – this are all serious problems , but I doubt that any viewer will take this movie seriously. I mean who would care for such one dimensional characters like white skinhead (with a ridiculously fake swastika tattoo) , tough Latino girl , black "Monster" (that's his nickname !) rapist or Latino macho guy ? The story is not one bit believable. Dudikoff as experienced ex soldier wouldn't have any problem to find ex-soldiers or at least mercenaries to do the job. Instead he risks the life of untrained and emotionally unstable bunch of psycho teenagers that don't like each other. It only gets dumber later , when he needs only 1 day to train them properly. After one day they are bad ass ! How cool is that ? I don't remember the last time when I saw such badly done shootouts. The actors don't know at all how to carry the guns ! I love the scene when somebody shoots from the right side and the whole group starts shooting on the left side ! There is also one scene that rip-offs "Platoon". Do I have to mention that it's just as cheesy as the whole movie ? Michael Dudikoff is very wooden. He tries hard to be an experienced bad ass soldier , but he just isn't convincing in the role. He doesn't even look old ! Yes , they gave him grey hair , but that's too little to convince the audience. The best performance here comes from Cary Hirouki Tagawa ("Showdown in little Tokyo") experienced actor who specializes in playing villains.The funniest thing here is that it could actually be a decent and fun B-class movie if it was done right. Well , at least it's laughable. I give it 2/10.
scichowski-1 I love dumb B war movies. This is not one of those. This makes Starship Troopers 2 look like The Longest Day. This is the worst movie I've ever seen in my life. I watched in on Encore a while back, and have remembered it to this day because of how utterly terrible it is.Anyone who is comparing this movie to The Dirty Dozen is completely misleading, or has never seen the dirty dozen. The The Dirty Dozen was a well directed movie with good characters and development and an actual plot. This movie has no character development at all. Honestly, the characters are just racial stereotypes, there is the Mexican, the thuggish black guy, the crazy woman, the hates his parents white kid, its horrible. This movie set a new bottom rung for movies. The acting is horrible, the scenery is terrible, the plot is miserable. I cant stress enough how terrible this movie is.
barrytwomey-1 Like some of the other reviews, this movie ranked amongst my top 10 worst (maybe even the worst) I have ever seen. I saw the movie in German with no subtitles and was stunned to find that it all went exactly as I thought after seeing the first 15 minutes.Bad acting, worse plot, awful loop holes and over used movie formulas - why does the 'crazy' guy always get the shotgun or the feuding rivals become blood-brothers before the end.Holding an assault rifle sideways with one hand is never going to work and it made the action in American Ninja look respectable. It doesn't even offer the deliberate comedy aspect of Commando and feels like a cheap version of the 'Toy Soldiers', bad kids do something good plot.Watch if you want to see a movie to add to your all time worst list.
bronsonskull72 Michael Dudikoff (In a not so appealing haircut)stars as a prison warden named Tolliver who lets out six prisoners to do a dirty dozen style rescue, mainly a V.I.P's daughter who has been abducted by communist Vietnamese soldiers (Ah, isn't the cold war over, guess not.) along the way Dudikoff a former soldier trains the prisoners and leads the attack on Vinh Moc (Cary Hiroyuki Tagawa) in this lively actioner which although stupid at least offers the action with a good amount of flair. Indeed when compared to Dudikoff's duds like Crash Drive and Moving Target this comes off as a vast improvement. Still the story is undeniably silly and Dolph Lundgren's "Men Of War" did this type of story much better. Although sadly the 60's song "Soldier Boy" doesn't play once during the movie.2.5/5 Matt Bronson