Sol Goode
Sol Goode
R | 11 March 2003 (USA)
Sol Goode Trailers

Sol Goode, a charismatic L.A. twenty-something, has always relied on charm, good looks, and fast talk to glide through life. But his luck may have run out; faced with eviction from his hipster apartment, totaling his car, and the threat of having to find a real job, Sol realizes that maybe the life he's been leading is no longer making him happy.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
greggsettembrino One of the funniest movies I've ever seen. On par with Swingers and Office Space. Cooper could be the funniest character ever. My friends and I quote lines from this movie on a daily basis. I saw this on accident on cable and ordered the DVD off amazon a day later. Classic!! salad is kind of banging right now. Really cool cast too, a lot of cameos from different actors and actresses. What this movie needs is a sequel. I can't think of anything else to say, and the minimum is 10 lines so I'll lay down some quotes. Dude, your claiming the Diesel girl, your going to need proof of purchase on that one. I heard you got a duraflame brother. Buy this movie!!!
QuoVadimus First time I put this movie in my DVD player, I could not finish watching it. I was drunk though so my attention span was limited. I attempted to watch it again, and liked it a lot. Its not the best movie, its not the funniest, but for me it gave me a small glimmer of hope. Other people like me will watch it and probably see and feel the same thing. If you have ever fallen in love with a "best friend" of the opposite sex, Watch this movie its made with you in mind. I know i felt that way when i saw it. If you are looking for a movie to laugh like an idiot at, or a sex comedy, this isn't it, you will be let down. I promise. The main character was very easy for me to relate to, and if you have a heart it should make you smile.
Curtis Mark Stratmeyer Script penned by unknown, shopped around for three years. Financed at $1.5 mil. Shot in 22 days by writer/director/actor. Awesome ensemble cast. That's the formula for a really great cult film and that's exactly what this is.The themes are universal. Its not about California in the 90's, 20 somethings, or the difficulties of dating. Its about making life work. Everyone can relate to that. But this movie doesn't have a statement to make, except that everyone could stand to laugh at themselves a little more.Writer/Director Danny Comden understands American dead-pan humor and hits the perfect comedic note in every scene. Outstanding first effort. I am thrilled to have this DVD in my collection.
Torch-6 Of course, it doesn't look all that great. But, for a 20-something comedy-romance about a guy who opens the movie with a Ferris Bueller litany of how to get his local Booty Girl out of bed in the morning, you'd think it would suck pretty bad. But it works. It flat-out works, the script is good and funny, the acting is good, and funny, and the story comes together 100% predictably.Sure we know where it's going, and anyone who's seen any teen movie from the 80's (or at least "Not another teen movie") can tell you who's in love with whom from the get-go. But there are a few surprises along the way, and the movie winds up being a fun ride through well-travelled, familiar country. Got a slow night? Check it out--you won't be disappointed.