So Close
So Close
R | 14 May 2002 (USA)
So Close Trailers

A conflict of interest between two high-kicking assassin sisters is complicated as they're pursued by the criminals who hired them and an equally high-kicking female cop.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
GlennInWinnipeg Just a great surprise -- great action and cast. The story-line is a bit comic-book like (think Batman) at times, but this just adds to the feeling that part of the enjoyment of the movie is being along for the ride and to not take it all too serious.Every good action movie it seems has a unique visual "trick" to show -- Matrix had "bullet time" for instance. This one they figured out how to make glass look like it is breaking and they use side wire tools that allow them to fly a bit like Spiderman (by making it part of the plot, it saved the special effect team having to paint the lines out).If you like action movies, and the cast, you will be very happy with this movie. I really appreciated the use of extended close ups on the faces -- something less and less common in Hollywood.Also a great soundtrack and the song "Close to You" (originally by the Carpenters) is just outstanding as a good (unusual) choice to make a couple of surreal moments.Hold on for a great ride.
ebiros2 First of all, the cinematography on this film is beautiful enhancing the beautiful characters that fills the screen. All the props are stylish, and background well thought out to bring maximum beauty of the girls performing the action. While two girl assassin team sound's like candidate for a campy eye candy action drama, there's no cheese in this very well crafted movie. Even Hollywood would be envious to have such pretty girls performing high action stunts as in this movie.The movie gets better as it progresses through the story until the final show down between the Master (Yasuaki Kurata), Sue (Wei Zhao), and Hong (Karen Mok).Qi Shu, Wei Zhao, plays the role of assassins with Karen Mok playing the detective on their tail. All of them look great on this movie, and camera angles are thought out to heighten their beauty.One honorable mention goes to Yasuaki Kurata. For someone that's almost 60 years old, he sure can move, and his appearance hasn't changed very much in 30 years which is amazing.Great movie to watch, and I can rate it high even compared to Hollywood big budget movie like Mission Impossible.Oh, and did I mention that Karen Mok has a nice rear end ?
Boba_Fett1138 This movie is so flashy and fast put together, that it starts to look and feel like an overdone attempt, with lots of (ridicoules) computer gadgets and fighting sequences. The style works in the wrong way, especially in the action sequences. I'm sorry but I really found the action sequences to be very laughable and completely overdone. It always seems weird to me how Asian action movies constantly seem to be stealing from The Matrix movies, with both their action and style. As if Asian action movies need that. This movie also unfortunately is an example of this.The editing is way too fast and to me it seemed like it was done in a very childish and predictable way. Again, as if they were just trying to hard.It also gets sort of annoying after a while that there constantly is a ventilator aimed at Qi Shu in basically every action sequence.The movie has some irritating and weird choices in the use of music, as is the original movie score on its own, that just does not seem to fit the movie very well.The movie features some bad acting. Even though I don't speak the language I could tell that the actors really weren't much good, in the way they were delivering their lines.The story isn't that much special. It's not very well developed and the movie isn't really going anywhere. The movie too often seems to be concentrating more on the personal and the drama rather than its action, which seemed weird to me, since this is a movie that's made completely in action movie style. Sure, it has some interesting developments and themes in it, such as lesbianism and it's a nice approach that all of the action heroes in this movie are women. So it's a real feminist action flick but that perhaps is the only real good and original element about this movie.OK I did not found this movie to be terrible but it was just lacking on so many fronts. In all fairness it remains a perfectly watchable movie but only to kill some time with and if you have nothing better to do. The movie was unfortunately not as good and certainly not as original as I initially hoped.6/10
Kelly Maureen The writers get no points for creating a cohesive or logical plot. It's all over the place. A guy creates a worldwide spying device and then he's killed in an attempt to steal it. Years later his two daughters use the device to become hired assassins and get away with all their crimes. One of the sisters falls from some Korean sex symbol and decides she wants to stop killing people for money. The other sister wants to keep going and so she tries to do a job on her own and she screws up. There's a rookie cop who pretty much figures it all out and she's hot on the sisters' trail. One of the guys who paid for a hit decides he wants to wipe out the sisters and the cop and then it's all kicking and shooting and wire fu for the last exciting 20 minutes or so. Like I said, the story is pretty poorly put together but you will enjoy almost every moment any of the sisters or the cop is on the screen. Karen Mok is brilliant as the tough, smart, sassy and sexy cop. Shu Qi and Vicki Zhao make for the cutest sisters you'll ever see on screen. Whenever any of these characters are fighting with good guys, bad guys, one another or each other, you will be amazed at the stylized kung fu artistry. Yes, there's a lot of wires and camera trickery but it never takes away from the enjoyment. And how many movies can turn "Close To You" into a action theme? Don't watch the English dubbed version if you can avoid it. Watch it either in Mandarin or Cantonese for full enjoyment.