Snow Beast
Snow Beast
PG-13 | 04 October 2011 (USA)
Snow Beast Trailers

Jim and his research team study the Canadian Lynx every year. This year, he has to take his rebelling 16 year-old daughter, Emmy, with him. But the lynx are missing. As Jim and his team try to find why, something stalks them--a predator no prey can escape.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Beulah Bram A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
Leofwine_draca SNOW BEAST is the low-budget remake of a '70s creature flick I saw and enjoyed years ago. The difference being that the 1970s version was a proper film, whereas this is a shamelessly silly B-movie that lacks a proper script and the kind of money to make a film that even slightly resembles the earlier version.Instead, we're bogged down in SyFy Channel territory, with only a handful of cast members and a film that takes place in a single location for the most part. While I enjoyed the icy Canadian backdrop of the story, for the most part this film focuses on a father/daughter relationship which includes one of the most irritatingly obnoxious characters ever...can't we ever have one normal, friendly teenage character in a film for a change? Spliced into these shenanigans are some tame kills committed by some kind of yeti, although when you see the costume (which looks like something somebody would wear at Halloween) you'll be laughing rather than screaming. The PG-13 rating hurts this one a lot, and you'd hardly be tuning in just to see the cast, either. John Schneider has form battling monsters (having appeared in LAKE PLACID 2, which, while bad, was a lot better than this) but the appearance of Jason London (JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS) makes you wonder what happened to the guy's career for him to be forced to appear in this dreck.
TheLittleSongbird In all honesty I wasn't expecting much, and once again I didn't get much. Certainly I have seen much worse than Snow Beast, but overall I found it lame, with the only really good attributes being the scenery and John Schneider's performance. The effects are really not very good, the creature of the title is cheap looking, restricted in movement and not very menacing or terrifying at all. The script is cheesy and aimless, the story reeks of predictability, the pace is overly-languid and dull, not helped by the too-talky nature of some scenes, and the other actors look wooden, unsurprisingly unable to do anything to their uninteresting and stereotypical characters.All in all, not the worst film I've seen, but lame with not much point to it. 3/10 Bethany Cox
viligeidiot Wow was this ever bad. From terrible acting to the recycled beast face from The Fifth Element (a GOOD movie) stuck onto a shag carpet man-suit to the insanely moronic behaviour of the characters that I can only assume had to do the things they did because they were in the script as nobody could even imagine being that stupid.Stupidity in no particular order.... snowmobile gets trashed by some 'big hairy thing' but we'll check it in the morning, not leave... record film of giant hairy beast CLEARLY from multiple angles via remote cameras but no one can tell what it is 'it's a thing'... have run in with beast and get away back to cottage but we'll leave in the morning even though we're scared senseless... one person awakes really early before they take off so they can go look for Beast, leaves tranq gun in car because, well, why not?... bring bait to distract Beast but instead of a bag, drag it on a garbage can lid on a rope for miles... and on and on.At one point in the movie, you can see the opening the 'actor' uses to get into the suit... they didn't even try to hide it, just let it look like a really bad stripe down is carpeted back.Avoid like it as if it WERE a Beast trying to hunt you down!! unless you're going to make it a drinking game where you have one every time someone does something stupid or the daughter pouts... you should be plastered by the end.
mbwossie Since the original film was released back in the 1970s major advances in special effects have bought some truly brilliant films.Unfortunately the man in a furry coat does not advertise these said advances. The slow motion sequences do add to the feel of the film - slow.I am torn as to why this film fails to deliver - maybe it is the wooden acting, a script so predictably awful that is borders on the comic or the attempt to bring horror with monster slippers? Whatever the reason I just regret not using the hour and a half to do something more enjoyable - such as filling in my tax return.