| 15 March 1944 (USA)
Snafuperman Trailers

Pvt. Snafu becomes a superhero, only for him to become the world's dumbest one because he won't study his field manuals.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
utgard14 Arguably the most famous Private Snafu short, due to it being a parody of Superman. For those who don't know, Snafu was a moronic soldier character that appeared in many black & white instructional shorts made for use by the military. The idea was to teach soldiers how to properly follow safety procedures and the like by showing them what would happen if they didn't. Snafu was a putz who rarely did what he was told, insisting he knew better. This time Snafu dismisses studying his field manual, claiming he isn't going to beat the Nazis with books but rather a "bellyful of lead." This causes a very funny 'fairy godmother' type of character to show up and give Snafu the powers of Superman in order to fight the Nazis. Despite his newfound powers, Snafu is still a screw-up who almost bombs the Capitol building! This one was directed by Friz Freleng with the great Mel Blanc providing Snafu's voice. It's not quite as racy as some of the other Snafu cartoons but it is amusing and the animation is nice. If you're a Superman fan, this probably has an added bit of appeal for you. Not the best Snafu but enjoyable.
TheLittleSongbird Snafuperman is a good-looking and amusing cartoon, but as far as Private Snafu cartoons go I do prefer The Goldbrick(apart from the Japanese Goldbrick character). The story does feel a little thin even for a cartoon so short a length and the point about the concept not been particularly inspiring or interesting is understandable and to me that is also the reason. Snafuperman does put its moral across well enough, if on the forceful side. It's also one of the tamest Snafu cartoons, after seeing parts of The Goldbrick and especially The Home Front- though you may argue that The Home Front is a bit heavy on the daring stuff-, not that it's a problem as such but with not as interesting a subject matter and compared to those two it does feel a tad bland. Snafuperman is very well-animated though with fluid character designs, detailed and not sparse backgrounds and lively colours/shadings. Carl Stalling always did write outstanding music for the many cartoons he scored for and Snafuperman is not an exception, the orchestration is very lush and the pacing is characteristically lively. The instructional parts of the cartoon may not as come across as effectively as it could have done but the humour still shines visually and verbally, the beginning is priceless and the dialogue is appropriately as sharp as a razor and delivered with zany zest by Mel Blanc(one of the most talented, versatile and consistent voice actors there ever was). Snafu is still endearing but is very funny in how inept he is at everything, which provides much of the laughs in his cartoons. All in all, amusing and pretty good but not one of the best Private Snafu cartoons in my humble opinion. 7/10 Bethany Cox
MartinHafer This film, like all Pvt. Snafu films, was designed to be shown to Allied troops to illustrate various points in a humorous and watchable way. Because the audience was made up exclusively of adult men, most of the Snafu cartoons abound with colorful language and sexual innuendo--except for this one (if you exclude what the acronym S.N.A.F.U. stands for). This seems like a "nicer" version of the cartoon series made by Looney Toons and it is still pretty entertaining.In this toon, Snafu's fairy godfather appears and turns him into "Snafuperman" so he can single-handedly battle the Axis. Unfortunately, despite having muscles and the ability to fly, Snafu is just as stupid as ever. Because he never bothered to read his manuals or maps, he nearly blows up the Capitol building instead of Berlin and fails miserably in his attempt to thwart a Nazi bombing raid.The cartoon is very well-made and good fun. And, even though we are not the target audience, it's something I recommend you try.
emasterslake This one is when Snafu is tired of studying field manuals and charts to fight enemies. He wished he could be a Superhero.So with luck Technical Fairy First class comes in and offers him a wish.Snafu became a superman only he was still the same height and has no muscles.He's now able to fight off the enemy with no problem.But as always Snafu ends up screwing up things. He makes a lousy hero too.this short has a good lesson in Studying field manuals and charts are better than going out and kill the enemy with no sense of plan.