PG | 17 May 1985 (USA)
Smorgasbord Trailers

Warren Nefron is a hopeless klutz who has some of the worst luck in the world: when he tries to end it all with a foolproof suicide plan, he still manages to mess it up. In desperation, he goes to a psychiatrist to see if there is some way for him to end his troubles.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Michael_Elliott Cracking Up (1983) 1/2 (out of 4)Jerry Lewis wrote, produced and directs this film where he also stars as a nerd who wants to commit suicide for his various problems. He ends up going to Dr. Pletchick (Herb Edelman) who tries to cure him of his dumbness.For his 90th birthday Mr. Lewis appeared on Turner Classic Movies to discuss various films and I must admit that I was a little shocked that they were showing this picture. In his introduction Lewis talked about the constant pain he is in from various falls that he did to get a laugh throughout his career. Lewis was in a lot of pain while making this movie and it's rather sad that he did so many physical things here because the end result is quite horrible and it certainly wasn't worth the pain he had to go through.I'm not going to sit here and say that I never laughed because that would be a lie. There were a couple segments that had a couple laughs but the majority of the film is just a complete misfire. It really does seem as if Lewis was sitting around drinking with friends and coming up with stuff they thought were funny in their drunken minds. On film it just doesn't work. The opening sequence has Lewis walking into a hotel to kill himself. He has many objects to do so and we see him fail at doing it. The next scene is a very long sequence where he's trying to get into the doctor's office but keeps sliding and falling everywhere.There's a lot of physical humor like this where Lewis is trying to recapture his earlier days but it just doesn't work. There are so many awful moments here that you honestly can't blame anyone but Lewis. Naturally comedy is a subjective thing but I doubt even the French would laugh at this film. There are many cameos throughout including Milton Berle dressed in drag, Sammy Davis, Jr. playing himself and Dick Butkus. As for Lewis, he plays several characters here but all the effort was really for nothing because the film is rather embarrassing.
PeterMitchell-506-564364 Let me tell ya, it doesn't matter what part of Smorgasbord, I start watching again, I'm guaranteed laughs. That's what great about this movie, you don't know where Jerry will take it next. This is slapstick at it's zaniest. If you loved Hardly Working you're gonna split your sides here. Like our hapless bumbling idiot Bo, in Hardly Working, Lewis plays another klutz, Warren Nefflon, a necrophiliac, a walking hazard, a guy who constantly fears the negative. He can't even get across the overly shiny floor of his psychiatrist's office, as he manages to slip over, but can't manage to get himself back up, without going over again, and again, and again. Or is this just Warren's negative thinking, a moral attached, "If you think negative you'll be negative". The cliché there in the who side splitting movie. Jerry's doctor, (Milton Berle, perfect) is at a loss, he evidently shows, face to camera, rolling his eyes, shaking his head. Warren has tried to kill himself a couple of times, the first one trying to hang him himself from a ceiling fan, you gotta see, another before he's about to drive off a cliff, he mouths to the camera, "Goodbye", only the car then stalls on the mountain top, so he exits to get some petrol, only he didn't leave the handbrake. Another failed costly suicide. We too Jerry playing many characters, all idiots, the bank stickup that becomes a dance routine, I loved as much as I love my Mexican. And also we have a loud annoying voice of a waitress, who likes to be methodical when describing the menu, or any other things, which she does through other characters, who unfortunately have the same loud nagging voice, someone to answer to, for causing tinetus of the ears I imagine. May'be she has a personality disorder, but with the same obsessive compulsiveness, that makes her such a hoot. You'll be choking with laughs in the restaurant scene. But before I go, I just have to mention, Jolly Fat Wee Hawkins airlines. At the advice of his shrink, Jerry travels this incredibly cheap flight, that doesn't have second or first class, or any class for that matter. You know you're in for a bad flight when a wheel pops off while airborne, and they're showing smutty movies with a pack of cards. Jerry had to evacuate the plane, ending up in the snow, with a bearded fellar quite like himself, who too took that dreaded flight. After Warren yells a word that buries him half deep in an avalanche, he ends up in hospital where he's been recorded as the coldest patient they've had. You realize that, when you hear the sound of ice, dropping into Jerry's bedpan. An insanely hypnotic comedy, manned by a guy who knows funny. For Lewis fans, there's no excuse not to watch this. I repeat, no excuses.
qponsuzy Cracking Up is one of my favorite movies.....OK, I might have a weird sense of humor... but the first time I saw it, I laughed so hard my side hurt. I bought the movie, and occasionally get it out and watch it again just to get a good laugh.several parts I like are the Restaurant scene, the waitress when she takes his order, it's hysterical. I'd love to do that to someone sometime.I also love the scene with the guru on the operating table, so funny.And the airplane scene..... "chef'll love it" it makes me laugh just writing this.If you haven't seen this movie, get your hands on a copy and watch it.
RWolfson Jerry Lewis is hilariously amazing. He is truly a comic genius. He writes hilarious movies and executes them so well and this is no exception. This is a great movie A GREAT MOVIE ONE OF JERRY'S OVERLOOKED GEMS IS CORRECT!!!!!!!!! If Jerry reads this I just have to say, you are the best at slapstick, and you are hilarious the most talented comedian to ever live, but I have a feeling there is this one kid who is coming up who will become the greatest, all because of ur teaching through ur films and colgate comedy hours.