| 08 April 2005 (USA)
Smile Trailers

Introduced to a volunteer opportunity with the Doctor's Gift Program, Katie (Mika Boorem) signs up for a trip to China, where she meets Lin (Yi Ding), a girl with whom she shares a birthday. Lin has a facial deformity that discourages her from ever showing her face, but her friendship with Katie helps her start to see life in a new way.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Micitype Pretty Good
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
bptr-1 It's funny. The first 3/4 of this film is pretty mediocre. But it works so well as a set-up for the very powerful last part of the film which just knocks you over! Really. I was watching most of the movie just trying to enjoy the Malibu and China scenery because the rest seemed, as another reviewer said, like an after-school special.I was not prepared to cry uncontrollably for the last 10 minutes straight. Watching the transformation of Katie before our eyes makes it all worthwhile. This girl (Mika Boorem) gives a very fine performance. Cheri Oteri is perfect for the part too and the father daughter (Luoyong Wang and Yi Ding) are great (although the English is a little unbelievable).I still don't know if the first part of the film was carefully crafted to achieve the end effect, but I guess it doesn't matter because I left feeling really good.
Sonnenblme The characterization in this movie is among the worst I've ever encountered. The dialogue is trite and cliché to the point of extreme distraction. None of the issues the characters face are developed at all--they're merely surface details intended to get a point across without having to actually come up with believable dialogue to support said point. Also, the depiction of the Chinese characters leaves a bit to be desired--I find it hard to believe that the Chinese father learns flawless English from a book(or so it is implied in one scene) so he can teach it to his daughter. Etc.The Smile Train is a great organization and it's a nice idea, to make a heartstring-tugging film about the impact a program like this can have on kids' lives, but overall, I found this movie to be more frustrating than anything.
heatherfife I love this film!!! This is a beautiful story, well-written - a film worth watching! From the moment it began I was drawn in to the beautiful photography and story set in China. All of the storyline that was filmed there was pertinent, realistic and touching. The message of the film is sacrifice, love, and compassion. Luoyong Wang, Yi Ding, and Mika Boorem were all fantastic. Both Erik von Detten and Sean Astin's acting was natural and believable.The majority of the film set in Malibu in an attempt at character building, is substandard. Part of this has to do, I believe, with the editing. For example Linda Hamilton's character appears loving and caring one minute, then manic depressive and "out of control" the next and them back to a loving caring mother/wife the next with no apparent reason for the extreme transitions. We don't need to see "Katie" dressing immodestly, see her parents freaking out on each other, or see her internal conflict about having sex with her boyfriend, or the way she uses sex to manipulate and frustrate two teenage boys to know she is not a touchy-feely, caring "good girl." It could have been shown simply with the way she is derogatory about her classmates and unbelieving that people in the world could be less physically beautiful than she. Sorry, this part was over-done. I would love to see a re-make of this some the meantime, see this one and enjoy the beauty of the film spiritually and physically!
kajmahal I've been fortunate enough to have been on 3 Operation Smile missions and I'm leaving for my 4th in a couple of weeks. I found that this movie did a great job of creating the atmosphere of being on a mission.I noticed that some of the review presented a very cynical view of how these missions are conducted- i.e.- Americans have to go to these countries to show the natives how to repair their babies. Those reviewers didn't pay close enough attention to the movie to see that the surgical team who operated on Lin was Chinese. Apart from the movie, Operation Smile's goal is to collaborate with the Op Smile chapters in each country to promote the development of their medical personnel so they can run their own missions.Anyway back to "Smile", it gives an accurate portrayal of the positive, life-changing effect that one can get from helping another human being and it matches my experiences with Op Smile.