NR | 07 July 2011 (USA)
Smile Trailers

A carefree summer vacation turns into an inescapable terror trap for a group of young students who buy a vintage instant camera from a mysterious local shop owner...

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
gavin6942 Several students on a school holiday discover a mysterious camera, but after several of them start showing up dead after having their picture taken, they start to realize this camera is much more than they bargained for.As a horror fan and especially a fan of Italian horror, I was hoping there would be something redeeming about this film. But, in short, there just was not much to offer and it seemed more inspired by 1990s American horror than Italian horror of any decade. A pity, really, because we are sadly lacking someone to pick up the reins from Bava, Soavi and Argento.Not to say the film is a complete failure, but there is nothing that jumps out as must-see and it is a shame that such a good-looking film just has no soul.
Jan Strydom This is probably one of the few times I'd say a film is the worst I've seen but simply put it is. From the direction to the script to the acting to just about everything is absolutely terrible.1. To start the script has a severe lack of logic, in one scene when the group finds a dead body the one character suggests they go to the police. Then another character says they shouldn't because he believes the police will think they're involved in this person's death. Now that's a lot like saying if you go and report a crime to the police you'll get arrested for reporting a crime or as if they're actually going to the police to say "Hey dudes, we killed someone and we'd like you to come check out our awesome crime scene." As if the police would say. "Cool man, if we like it we'll arrest you." Also in the third act the very same character after being rattled by one of his friend's death develops a knack for asking the most annoyingly dumb questions one after the other almost without taking a breath and his behavior in that particular situation makes no sense what so ever.2. To elaborate on the direction the film is shot in Morocco and judging from the establishing shots there's some nice scenery but during the dialog scenes most of the time the only thing we see are close up shots of faces and no scenery. While these close up shots are usually suppose to be about emotions the actors display virtually none. In fact the acting is so wooden you can use it to make a rocking chair.Overall, this film truly is the worst film I've seen in a while. Armand Assante is one of my favorite actors hence the reason I sought this film out. He probably just did this film for the paycheck even though he only plays a small part in this film despite getting top billing. I recommend to not even give this film a second thought, it's a waste of time either way.
HpyCmpr155 Okay....I started watching this thinking it was going to be a remake of a J-horror movie like the Grudge or the Ring or Shutter. Then I said wait...what is all this Italian stuff?? Something isn't right here. My first clue that this was going to bad AWFUL was when this group of "students" (who all happen to look like they are about 30 years old)are traveling through the barren desert on a "holiday". LO and behold...a camera is stolen (but the girl carrying it in her shoulder bag doesn't notice that it is gone until several miles later when they arrive at a village...duh) and she just happens to find a "camera shop"...yeah right.... And she buys a camera that spits out Polaroids. Then along their way they get to the edge of the desert, park their fully stocked, fully, gassed up, fully functioning Land Rover to hike on a well marked trail carrying backpacks with minimal supplies into a forest complete with streams, woods, chirping birds, deer and (gasp)meet a mysterious nomadic hunter who just happens to speak perfect English. Only to get hopelessly lost after 5 minutes. The plot while thin. had possibilities. In this movie it is just a joke. The acting is world-class awful and the only good thing the movie had going for it was a very nice Land Rover and the spectacular scenery. If you like AWFUL movies,,,this one may be your cup of tea and you may SMILE while you're watching it.
daletheminoltaman I liked this movie a lot. It had a unique filming location, unique actors (one of the guys was a dork though, you will know when you watch it lol) and a unique plot. I especially liked the ending. It is an overall very entertaining movie. It sort of has the feeling of an 80's Italian horror movie. Not the same cookie cutter movies that all seem to be the rage lately. I am not sure why this film does not have a higher rating, it is much better than many of the 6 and 7 start rated IMDb horror movies, I suspect that directors and actors are rating up their trash movies so people will watch them. Give the movie a chance. I think most horror fans out there will enjoy it. No it is not a work of art but yes it is very entertaining and "interesting".