Skull Forest
Skull Forest
NR | 09 June 2012 (USA)
Skull Forest Trailers

A ladies camping weekend turns into a terror-filled trip after the women encounter a stranger in the woods.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Michael Ledo This is another film in which a professional hunting club, hunts scantily clad females. The film weighs in at 75 minutes. The DVD box claims special features, but my menu didn't have any. The film has bad herky-jerky camera angles, awkward close-ups with cut off heads and faces. The sound during the club meeting had a cheapness to it. On the plus side, the girl on the cover is in the film.Four girls go camping on a get-away weekend, no cell reception, etc. etc. I think you got the picture.F-bomb. No sex. Nudity (Lisa Neeld, Sara Brooks, Pamela Sutch, and did I mention Lisa Neeld?)
roadstar06 First of all, better sound editing would have improved certain scenes greatly. touches like proper ballroom music with reverb that matches the room ambiance is an easy one.Sound transitions from scene to scene will reduce the "jarring" effect for the viewer and give a natural feel instead of distracting from story.The weird wobbly camera angles in the beginning are just annoying. Just stop doing that. ugh.Delivery of the dialogue is relatively strong, but some of the actors need to beware of the "sing-song" delivery they fall into easily. The words are supposed to MEAN something to the character, that's doesn't happen when it's sounds like 12 year olds at the mall. Again, this was only occasional. The ladies in this were capable and did a fine job.quick tech flaw: The camera shots playfully taken at the creek needed to have the CAMERA LENS OPEN on the camera she's using.. lol. people notice those things, and a good continuity/production assistant would've'e been on top of that. ;)The above might seem harsh and nit-picky but can make a real difference in product.Watchable but not Big-Screen quality, good story concept, decent pacing, strong effort all around.
tcoll32 For the purpose of full disclaimer I am a huge fan of Killerwolf Films. I love the mixture of horror and action they do so seamlessly. This film is a bit of a departure for them. All of their previous films have had a otherworldly element to it (like werewolves, zombies, vampires, dark spirits or being set after the apocalypse)and this one is definitely set in the real world without any monsters. The film is, in a nutshell, a group of girlfriends go out camping for the weekend and stumble across a human hunt being conducted by a clandestine group of uber rich uber important people (akin to 1994's Surviving the Game). Because they discover the hunt they now become part of it. Some really great performances by Sara Brooks, Pamela Sutch, Lisa Neeld, Melissa Scott, K.K. Ryder, Deanne Visalle, and James Scott Charles Howell. My 2 favorites though were Luc Bernier and Brian Anthony. While this genre is not a favorite of mine it still manages to grab onto me and I want to see what happens to the characters good and bad. One of the signs of a good film for me is when they use a genre I may not favor but do something with that I find I really enjoy and Len Kabasinski is able to do this. A great entry into his list of many films this will appeal to survival horror fans as well as action fans. KWF fans do not want to miss this.
UK_Zombie Being a big fan of Killerwolf films, I took the trouble to get this from the US. The flick was OK, but was mainly a retake on the hiking trip turns into massacre story. At least the hikers were easy on the eye and could act well. The story had somewhat of a tame ending. It was also a bit short on martial arts compared with their other films, although some might prefer that and the producers may just be responding to the other reviewers who don't like a kick-fest. Contains an interesting 'rising from the dead' with rather a lot of nakedness from Sarah Brooks. In fact there was a lot of nakedness overall for this type of film. Bizarre, but fun. The settings were good (are these the same woods as used for Swamp Zombies?). Production values good and gore and special effects convincing. The arrow scene I particularly liked.I still think Swamp Zombies was their best film. OK I know I am in the minority, but that had a charm of its own. I'm still waiting for Swamp Zombies 2.......Overall, an good film worth seeking out, although not their best title so far (I have the lot). Does anyone know what happened to Bridal Party Massacre and the Ninja film of theirs? Looking forward to Blood Mercury. Cheers. UK Zombie