Skinned Deep
Skinned Deep
R | 14 February 2004 (USA)
Skinned Deep Trailers

The horror film Skinned Deep begins when a family suffers a flat tire on a barren stretch of road with only a diner dotting the landscape. They meet Granny, the seemingly nice old woman who runs the establishment, but they soon find that she is the leader of a deranged clan. The family is slain, with the exception of their teenage daughter, Tina whom one of the sons in the family, Brain (a boy with an externalized brain much larger than his head), takes a romantic interest in. Soon a group of bikers show up, forcing the girl to figure out which group of crazies she should throw in with in order to stay alive.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Phillida Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
FountainPen Not worth adding anything else. This movie is crap.
lhinchliffe surely this will become a cult classic horror/comedy plates has to be one of the best characters in film history sure there was no emotion or good acting skills shown but that still doesn't mean this is a great film and surely in 5-10 years will be remember as a cult classic and film beyond our generations understanding, just like all cult classics I'm sure this film is still vastly unheard of so i ask everyone out there to get this film out and show someone they know needs a laugh to show them this film sure some of the scenes are a bit weird and futureistic for us to understand but like all cult classics this will become one everyone loves
Coventry Once again, my assumptions couldn't have been more wrong! I really thought this movie would be worth the 5$ I spent on it, because it's the directorial debut of Gabe Bartalos; who happens to be the regular special effects guy of such brilliant directors as Frank Hennenlotter ("Brain Damage", "Frankenhooker") and Matthew Barney (the "Cremaster"-cycle). Well, "Skinned Deep" once more proves that people who're talented in the art of make-up effects don't necessarily make good directors, as Bartalos' own project is an irredeemable lousy gore-flick that hangs together by amateurism. The script, for starters, is highly unoriginal and just the umpteenth "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"-rip-off. But what really irritates about this movie is the total lack of coherence and the overload of stupidity. "Skinned Deep" revolves on a family of bloodthirsty lunatics that fill their days with killing tourists. Their latest preys are the Rockwells, but the multi-brained son insisted on keeping the teenage daughter Tina alive, and even to incorporate her as a crazy family member! So far, this seems like a reasonably normal horror plot but the depraved family also battles a gang of old and senile motorcycle hooligans as well as a jeep full of chubby woodchoppers, and this is where the absurdity really kicks in. A lot of retarded things are being said and done (ever heard a midget bringing ode to a plate?!?) and even the rather cool gory effects can't keep you interested. The acting is really atrocious and Bartalos' directing is incredibly incompetent. The Surgeon General-character is the only memorable horror villain of the family. He's an unearthly strong mutant with a razor-sharp metal jaw and goofy little sunglasses. Warwick "Ewok" Davis looks pretty imbecile as the pale-faced, plate-flinging dwarf and I don't even want to mention the elderly cast-members. If the acting skills of all these amateurs hasn't given you a headache yet, sitting through the end credits definitely will, as it just features girlish screaming for FIVE WHOLE MINUTES! Damned, girl! You could try, like many of my fellow reviewers apparently did, to look at "Skinned Deep" as a typical so-bad-it's-entertaining trash movie... That didn't work for me, though. It's just rubbish, period!
digital_jackass1 This movie was horrible, and there isn't much else I can say about it. The cover of this movie looks promising, as the menacing looking Surgeon Generals face appears on the front. But let me tell you people who haven't seen this movie yet, do not watch it, for even the horrifying face of the Surgeon General cannot save this movie. Its about a girl who's family gets killed, and one of the sons of the "creator" who we meet at the very end of the film, decides he wants to keep her as a pet, right after the brother is sliced in half. The acting in this movie was horrible, the main character Tina did not seem to have any emotion after seeing her parents killed. The death scenes are lame, especially those of the mutants, and the only character that was enjoyable in this movie was the Surgeon General. I would like to see the Surgeon General in another movie, one with a better director and a better storyline. As for the rest of the characters and the movie itself.... to hell with them all. This movie made really no sense whatsoever, and the acting is horrible. I think actor Warwick Davis made a horrible decision in playing in this movie, because from what I know, Warwick was the only actor in this film that had a notable filmography, appearing in the Leprachaun movies as the Leprachaun. The only reason you should ever want to see this movie is if you want to see an example of a horrible storyline. I could go on forever about how horrible this movie was, but if you don't trust my judgment, go rent it yourself. Guaranteed you would've thanked me if you listened.