Dark Reel
Dark Reel
| 01 January 2008 (USA)
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Murder, mystery and mayhem as B movie fan, Adam Waltz, wins Walk on Role in a film Featuring Scream Queen, Cassie Blue (Tiffany Shepis). Thinking his luck had changed for the better he steps into chaos with a killer loose and no one on the production safe.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
ladymidath I know Dark Reel has been getting some negative reviews but I think some of them are a little harsh. I know it has it's faults but it is still a solid film that does give some nice scenes and good acting. Edward Furlong plays Adam Waltz, a horror movie buff who has been dumped by his girlfriend who he followed from Virginia to Los Angeles. He wins a contest, the prize being a walk-on role in Pirate Wench, a schlocky movie being made by Connor Pritchett the head of the studio played by Lance Henriksen. Things become complicated by several murders on set which throws the film into disarray and soon Adam's role become larger and larger as the cast becomes smaller.Tony Todd as Detective Shields and his partner, Detective LaRule played by Rena Riffel are both good in their roles, but it is Lance Henriksen who really carries it. Tiffany Shepis as the lead actress, Cassie Blue is great. She shows some real personality in a role that could easily have become just another paycheck part. Edward Furlong is likable but could have been a little stronger in the role of a horror movie fan who finds himself in a real-life horror movie complete with ghosts and murders galore.Alexandra Holden as Scarlett May, the 1950's actress that is murdered at the very beginning of the movie and who comes back via her image on film stock is quite good.Jeffrey Vincent Parise as Derek Deeds the rude director and Jake Grace as the onion eating lead actor Rhett Johnson are a lot of fun to watch.Emmanuel Xuereb as Harris Briggs, the head of the creative department is very good and rather overshadows Edward Furlong.The film is not without its faults. I liked the musical score and the premise of the story, a murdered actress comes back to try and warn Adam about the murders that are being committed. The Opening scenes with Scarlett May being dismembered in front of the movie cameras is also one of the best opening scenes in any horror movie. But the movie drags a little and at times, the characters could be annoying. Still not a bad film if you have nothing else to do.
drdeathforpresident The first scene of the film grabs your attention; a man with no name who looks like a throw back from the 40's enters a bar and makes small talk with a damsel in distress. He worms his way into her heart and into his warehouse where he is directing her into her grave. The rest of the film is forced especially the acting except for the actor, Jeffrey Vincent Parise, who adds some life to this dead dud. Edward Furlong looks like he has been on a bender and needs to take a time out. Their is too much talking and not enough killing. I mean, come on, this is a horror film not a soap opera! Honestly, there is nothing to recall about this film. I did use the fast forward button a lot. Don't waste your time and effort.
Mat_Hadder The plot: Furlong is a fat drunk that lives on a futon in LA. He apparently has no job and likes watching terrible horror movies. He is also creepy because he followed his girlfriend from Georgia or somewhere that has fake accents. At the beginning Furlong tries, but sounds like he's doing an Australian accent and then just drops it.Lucky for him, he wins a contest and gets to be an extra in a horror movie (but it's a pirate movie?). When he meets the actors, they're all stuck up bitches except for the most famous one who falls in love with his doughy belly, jaundiced eyes, and puffy black sandbags that float under his eyes on that big chubby cheeked face of his. At one point they go swimming together, but he won't take of his shirt because he has D-cup man-boobs. They then have sex and are in love. All the while everyone on the film is getting murdered and there are two cops (candyman and apparently a former prostitute) in all of LA that can handle the case. Eventually nothing makes sense and Furlong is dark and mysterious and sexy and I totally bought the hot chicks interest in him. There's one good actor in the movie. He's an old guy and probably thought this was a serious film. He must be retarded because his dialog was apparently written by Christopher Reeves, after the accident.I imagine this is how the script went.Scene: Old man and candyman discuss the depths of man's soul while smoking Kools. Fat drunk actor meanwhile see's a dead women in the dailys. Hot chick loves fat drunk actor because he doesn't believe in showers or sleep. Ghost makes old man shoot himself in the head but the movie just will not end. Fat drunk actor who has sex with hot chick after being cast as an extra is suddenly a famous movies star and at the screening totally pisses of his ex-girlfriend and she makes a face like she farted and got poop got in her mouth. The curtain falls. Overall I give it a ten.
Nick Damian That's right...it's a bore.Ahhhh, it be a very big bore. The cast is lacking so much. When the best performer is a horror movie actress who is best known for her screaming and baring her chest, then you know that the film is a drag.Once a mighty well known actor, now looking quite sick or hungover - Edward Furlong is just awful to watch. His voice is a shriek in itself. His eyes are so puffy and his performance is so weak.The script is like countless before it that are also weak.Thinking of renting it? I think it's time to rent a good movie - like The Terminator or Aliens or best yet - Back To The Future.At 1 hour and 40 minutes long, it's 1 hour and 35 minutes too long and the ending is rather dull.