R | 10 March 1989 (USA)
Skinheads Trailers

A group of students traveling to California are menaced by a vicious group of skin-heads in the Colorado mountains. A WW2 vet living in the mountains comes to their rescue.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Leofwine_draca SKINHEADS is a fun little independent action thriller in which some innocent youths are pursued by a crazed gang of Neo-Nazis with murder in mind. It has a rural setting and is very similar in look and feel to the equally low rent and cheesy '80s slasher, MEMORIAL VALLEY MASSACRE. The heroes are a nondescript bunch here and don't have much presence, but the Nazi types are hilarious goons, slow-witted in the extreme.SKINHEADS offers plenty of cheap action in the form of fist fights, shoot-outs, and endless chase sequences. It's one of those films where the good guys manage to escape by the skin of their teeth time and again. The violence is too cheesy to take seriously, but I enjoyed this regardless; it's goofy and fun. An ageing Barbara Bain plays one of the victims, while the great Chuck Connors has a great late-stage role as a hermit type who brings his shotgun out to play against the Nazi scum.
Rich Wright If the so-called Master Race are this stupid, we would be all better off as cavemen.Take all the Nazi stereotypes you can think of, and you'll find them here... including some you didn't. What they tell didn't tell in history class though, is that these guys were as thick as pig s**t, and as ugly as sin. Rather than being menacing though, these idiots are most likely to cause the Jews and Blacks they rail against to die of laughter than cause them any physical harm. Particularly the big guy, ironically called Brains... who wipes his bum on poison ivy instead of leaves. Hardy ha ha. Seriously, if Hitler wanted to clean the Whites of all impurities, he would have started with executing these jokers.This makes it easy to cheer for the college kid and his spunky girlfriend, as they're pursued through the woods by this band of miscreants. They garner support from a grizzled old hunter (there always seems to be one about) when they find his hut, and what follows is a series of shootouts, threats and general idiocy. What's strange though, is how the bad guys never run out of bullets. They find a hand gun right at the start (with no extra ammunition) and yet they seemingly discharge it on more than 100 occasions throughout. We never see them reload it, or check for empties. It must be MAGIC.Apart from having the worse editing ever, and the dreadful acting from all concerned, what is most noteworthy here is just what a bad mouthpiece it is for the far right. None of the arguments preached by the leader of these fanatics are coherent at all, which makes you wonder... how did he convince 6 other people to join his worthless cause? You'd think the writers would have him some kind of gravitas, but nope... the bloke is a walking parody, and impossible to take seriously. This may work as a sop to minority groups who hate the Nazis, but it renders the enemy so pathetic it's impossible to feel any tension as they stalk their prey.So, I'm sure you've gathered by now it ain't no award winner. It won't you jump off a pier, though. Especially if you find a certain charm in low budget movie-making. Damn it... they try their best... can't we give them at least SOME credit?Perhaps a little.We're talking microscopic proportions here.Do you see it?Thought not. 4/10
chaosnbeer I purchased this at a VHS sale in the video store for .99 cents and it was worth it. This movie cannot be liked on merits of good acting , scrip , and is indeed a terrible film , but hey I like bad films as long as they're funny and entertaining which is what Skinheads:The Second Coming Of Hate is. So it turns out some "skinheads" decided to go on a killing spree at a diner , and soon follows a long chase through the woods til good ole Chuck Conners of Roots fame comes to the rescue in a bravo hammy performance. Speaking of over the top performances..the golden ham award goes to Brian Bophy's who's insane performance will have pretty much anyone rolling on the floor laughing. This isn't your Romper Stomper or American History X type movie , this is basically just "lets put people in danger..ooh let's have skinheads go after them" obviously a lifestyle the writer and director knows nothing therefor this movie is surely going to offend the anti-rascist SHARP skinheads..and even the neo nazi skinheads because it puts them in such a moronic light (which by the way they are anyway so i guess justice was done). See it if you like bad movies
two-ton Chuck at his best. This is one of "The Rifleman's" last films. He plays a good guy who helps some kids being chased by skinheads. Chuck is by far the most believable character in this less than good film. It would be terrible if it didn't have Mr. Connors acting.A must see for any Chuck Connors fan.