Six Pack
Six Pack
PG | 16 July 1982 (USA)
Six Pack Trailers

Stopping briefly in a small Texas town, an itinerant race car driver finds that his stock car, on a trailer behind his motor home, has just been quickly and expertly stripped. He chases down the miscreants, who turn out to be six orphan children. He has no recourse to the law, for the corrupt local sheriff takes most of the proceeds of their thievery in exchange for not putting them in an orphanage. They are charming rogues who are in turn charmed by him. Disliking their arrangement with the sheriff, they stow away with him, and he finds himself becoming a reluctant stepfather. Thanks to their enthusiasm and incredible mechanical know-how, he begins to make a name for himself on the racing circuit. But the sheriff doesn't take kindly to losing his extra income...

ThiefHott Too much of everything
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
SnoopyStyle Brewster Baker (Kenny Rogers) is a washed-out race car driver. His car parts get stolen. He chases after the thieves who drive their van off a bridge. Brewster is shocked to find the thieves are actually six kids. He saves the youngest Little Harry from the river. Heather/Breezy (Diane Lane) is the oldest of the orphaned siblings. They steal for corrupt Sheriff Big John (Barry Corbin) to stay together. Brewster is quickly arrested but the kids break him out. His girlfriend bar waitress Lilah (Erin Gray) pushes him to be a reluctant father figure and they become his diminutive pit crew.Kenny Rogers is not the greatest actor but he's good enough here. I liked this a lot when I was a kid. The six pack is compelling and I really root for them. There's a young Diane Lane and an even younger Anthony Michael Hall. The story is sweet. The kids are all familiar with foul language and Swifty is the loudest. It's a family film of that era. It's also a movie that is always going to have a happy ending. In addition, there is plenty of race track action.
sheepy0126 I vaguely remember watching this movie as a child... at least younger than 10 and I remember loving this movie. Much is said about the sexual overtones blah blah blah, but I can tell you, as a child watching this movie, and the reasons I liked watching it, I remember the green van, the river, the winning, the forgiving.... but not once do I (remembering as a child, cause I haven't seen it since I was a child, although I want too) attribute child sexuality towards it.... Kenny Rogers helping the kids... .that's all I remember... so for all of you bible basher's who condemn films for sexual overtones... kids don't care... they see differently to what you do.... just ask them!!!
Sandy I'm with amyjo79 with this movie, as I saw it on TV years ago and videotaped it, then just bought the DVD when I finally found it had been released.Yes, it has its corny parts and some bad language in it, but as was already said, Kenny Rogers' character chides the kids for swearing and they stop doing it for the most part. Yes it is predictable to a certain degree as well, but since the DVD arrived here, my three boys aged between 4 - 9yrs have not stopped watching it! They love the fast cars, the music and the plot in general, and I won't stop them watching it. My boys understand that they are not allowed to swear and that it's only a movie and not real.I have always liked Kenny Rogers' music and always will, and if you like his music too, I'm sure you will like the move as well.
Coxer99 Country singer Rogers turns on the charm, but he's really not that impressive as an actor in this is a shallow story about a race car driver. He's trying to make a comeback with the help of six orphans. Rogers' music helps the production some, but don't bet on a collector's item.