NR | 23 April 2013 (USA)
Sirius Trailers

Dr. Steven Greer—an Emergency room doctor turned UFO researcher—discloses top secret information about classified energy and propulsion techniques, investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal and murderous suppression. He does so by accumulating over 100 Government, military and Intelligence-community witnesses who testify on record about the cover-up.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
occamsrazor30 I am undecided about weather we have ever been visited by extraterrestrials. Without hard evidence I lean toward NO. However, I do not discount strange phenomena in the skies. There are reputable people who have attested to this and documentaries that are extremely convincing. Most ufo sightings are a hoax or have some other reasonable explanation. There are a few though that defy conventional wisdom. The nutjob says they are space aliens and then contrives a whole network of lies and half truths to support his delusions. The objective seeker continues his search for hard evidence. This documentary has zero hard evidence. In fact, it is the worst UFO documentary I have yet to come across. In the very opening they use the most obvious fake UFO sighting in recent years to build up the documentaries proof. You will remember this as the jerusalem UFO sighting. It is an admitted hoax. There are far better documentaries on this subject. Almost none of them are objective. They all come at you from a believers point of view, but at least they are compelling and often convincing. Avoid this sloppy propaganda infomercial attempt. When are these idiot going to learn that you cannot get away with this in the information age. If you must watch then download it from a torrent site.
Kelly Schorles I'll start off by saying, I was a little disappointed reading the other reviews who gave the movie really bad scores. I'm guessing it's because they thought the film was going to promise them something, but it didn't and they got disappointed, or they completely missed the message.I'll be honest this movie is not meant for people without an open mind or should I say, "not ready" for certain issues, but it's alright, because extreme issues are not meant to be easily understood and readily accepted by the public, if it were, then talking about UFO and ETs would not be such controversial topics.Also, if you fall in the category of being those who have not done their homework enough to pick up a little of the truth, on UFO, Aliens, Dr. Greer, or is still unsure whether or not these things exist, well, this movie will be hard to believe, or more like bogus to you. No, shall I say all of it will bogus. So then you may ask, what's the point of watching then? well, either skip the movie or watch this movie for fun instead, I'm sure you'll get great laughs out of it -- because one of the fundamental topics are on UFO and ETs.However, for the people and reviewers who keep saying this film was funded by the people and therefore should be free for the people, it's rather a naive question to ask if you understand how business works because here's no way around it. In Dr. Greer's opinion, yes it should be free, however when he has to work with film producers, we all know that money is no question needed to run these movie business. No one work on a painstakingly long documentary video, release it in theaters, promote hundreds of ads, and say I'll do it all for free? It's a no brainer. There is nothing Greer can do about it making this video free, unless he was skilled enough to filmed everything himself and paid for all the expenses. Besides, Greer doesn't get any money out of this film, all the money will be going toward building the laboratories.Now for those who can carry an open mind, considering the extreme topics that will be discuss in this video... well be warned, because you are about to learn what many would call the "TRUTH" (or however you want to call it) if not already, and in many ways that would be hard to comprehend. This movie is not meant to convince or make you believe UFO or Aliens exist. It goes by far beyond these topics touching base on our energy systems and a quick introduction to the industrial military complex.All I have to say is, keep an open mind, watch this movie, and when the time comes you'll be thankful for all those people who've been ridiculed and have risked their lives so many times over trying to reveal the truth and change our world for the better. Lastly, the story in this very video can relate back to a time when people said the earth was flat or the sun revolved around the earth.
TAHQ This is an awful documentary made for all the wrong reasons. Mixing science with new age I am confused about what they are trying to say.No new evidence at all, only the same old stories. They claim free energy is here, and have been for a long time, its just evil men and governments who wanna hide it from us. THEN SHOW US A WORKING FREE ENERGY DEVICE! Its just BS, no news here.They claim the can make UFOs appear at night by using meditation and being "one" with the universe.OK, some lights appear, but it doesn't prove anything. Try getting the UFOs to show up during daytime so we can see them, make them land, not just lights in the sky at night.The skeleton/corpse of a strange little humanoid is interesting but nothing proved there either.Its a bad movie made be people lost in their own paranoid strange world. Sad really, we need this questions to be taken seriously by smart people, not by this bunch of amateurs.
MoDo12 I just caught this online and was very impressed with it. This film doesn't focus on blurry UFO footage or regurgitated testimonials from the 2001 disclosure project, it is in fact far bigger than that.Rather than focus on telling people that UFO's are real, they pin point the aspects on why the topic gets buried, and why disclosure must be taken into the hands of the people. How they do this, and the facts and figures shown are top notch for such a buried, ridiculed and (for some) downright terrifying subject.Blend the documentaries "IOUSA" and "Inside job" with Real UFO stuff and you'll be close in your expectations. However keep in mind their budget was minimal but on par with most documentaries of this kind.. (Greer gave up his $500,000/year emergency room surgeon job to do this stuff for peanuts, and has stated in interviews that they couldn't fit everything in that they wanted due to cost restrictions)If you don't know who Dr. Steven Greer is I suggest you do some research before watching the film. Greer is no joke and by far one of the most credible and hard working people in the extraterrestrial realm and this film does his name the justice that I was expecting. 9/10