Siren of the Tropics
Siren of the Tropics
| 21 September 1929 (USA)
Siren of the Tropics Trailers

Marquis Sévéro, a rich, lazy Parisian, wants to divorce his wife so that he can marry his own goddaughter Denise. But Denise herself loves André Berval, an engineer employed by the marquis. Filled with jealousy, the marquis sends André to the Antilles, to prospect some land he has just acquired. He promises André that he can marry Denise if he is successful in the tropics, but he then writes to Alvarez, his manager at the site, asking him to prevent André from ever returning to France. The brutal Alvarez forms an instant hatred for André when the engineer breaks up Alvarez's attempt to rape Papitou, a beautiful native girl. Papitou becomes devoted to André, and protects him against Alvarez's schemes. But she faces a crisis herself when she learns that André plans to marry Denise.

ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
MartinHafer Yikes! When "Siren of the Tropics" began I felt like I was going through an earthquake! That's because the print from Kino had a very noticeable shake--and continued doing so through the film. Now it is possible that you might not notice it as much as me and won't get motion sick watching it, as I watched it on a 58 inch TV that only exacerbated the problem.The story begins in France. A rather despicable rich guy and his wife are arguing--he wants a divorce and she suspects he wants this so he can marry their goddaughter--who they have been caring for over the years! Yuck! However, the young lady has no idea he's thinking of her this way. Instead, she's in love with nice-guy, André. When the nasty rich guy finds out about this, he pretends to give his approval and sends the future groom to a supposedly wonderful temporary assignment--to oversee his mines in Africa. However, the rich jerk sends word to his evil overseer, Alvarez, to kill André! And, soon enough, Alvarez tries--though I must admit the attempt is really lame! Much of the reason André survives is because his body is discovered by a strange local girl, Papitou (Josephine Baker). Soon, reinforcements arrive--Alvarez is captured and André's fiancée and her godmother arrive. The three of them go back to France and soon after, Papitou manages to take a ship bound for France as well.Papitou is very fortunate, as she first comes upon a job as a governess (scenes of her with the children were very reminiscent of her real life, as Baker had over the years adopted a rainbow of children). Soon, she is discovered by some theater owners who want to feature her and her dancing in their upcoming show (again, not far from real life, as Baker was a huge hit in France due to her exotic dancing).When the evil rich guy learns that she is ALSO in love with André, he sets up André and claims the innocent man is having an affair with the dancer. Ultimately, André demands a duel with the rich jerk because he learned he was behind the attempt on his life AND the supposed affair). Not wanting to see her beloved André die, Papitou arrives at the site of the duel and intervenes--killing the pig. In the end, however, she is a good woman and understands that André does not love her--and she gives his fiancée her blessing.This is a very watchable film and is quite interesting as it gives you a chance to not only see Miss Baker in her first film but to also see her dance. Additionally, while you may or may not want to see it, you also see a lot of the lovely Miss Baker naked--and the film makers seemed to contrive many situations where you can see her topless--and a bit more. The nudity, though exploitational, also seemed rather innocent as well.The most serious problem with the film was Miss Baker's acting. While generally very good, there is one scene where she over-emotes horribly--and I assume the director was really at fault for this. For example, in the scene where the fiancée arrived in Africa, watch Baker's reaction. It is SUPPOSED to be surprise, sadness and perhaps anger. Instead, she just appears to have a bad case of schizophrenia or drug addiction! Too bad, as she was quite good in much of the film--and her craft did improve in subsequent films.
Seltzer The film itself has an interesting plot and is well-acted by most in the cast. Baker is enjoyable to watch, although I don't think this film lets you in on why Baker was considered so talented in her day. She does a sort of athletic Charleston and a couple of shimmies, but I didn't see what the fuss was about. Perhaps she was someone you needed to see live. Also, this is her debut film, so perhaps it is not a great showcase for her dancing talent. Still, the plot is followable, and Baker has some funny bits including pushing her way into a boat ticket line by using her fanny.The musical accompaniment, new for this DVD, is excellent. If it were available on CD, I'd buy it.There's some interesting extra footage in the Extras section on the DVD, but skip the so-called documentary with the dance experts. Instead of showing clips of what the talking heads are nattering on about, the camera focuses on the talking heads as if we care what they look like. Dull, dull, dull. And they're the kind of talking heads that refer to their subject by her first name as if they all knew her intimately.
FerdinandVonGalitzien During the 20's, the Weimar nights were fabulous, full of exciting and decadent cabarets in which this German count spent many glorious soirées but it is fair to say that also in Paris, the Parisians knew how to have fun.Dame Josephine Baker, Amerikan from birth, French by adoption, was the indisputable queen, a legend of the Parisian nights during the 20's, an enormous singer and entertainer that did delight the French bourgeoisie during the past century.Dame Josephine Baker had a short film career, appearing from time to time in some films and, as it happens, in "La Revue Des Revues" recently reviewed by this German count. "La Sirène Des Tropiques, a film directed hand-in-hand by Herr Mario Nalpas and Herr Henri Étiévant, was her first full-length film as leading actress.The most important aspect of "La Sirène Des Tropiques" is that it is a film with Dame Baker and this is the perfect excuse to watch this film. For Dame Baker fans or for ignorant longhaired youngsters who still don't know her, that's the most attractive aspect of the work because, in artists terms, the film it is an absolute failure.The plot's topic about the tropics; engineer Berval ( Herr Pierre Batcheff ) is sent to Monte Puebla by his boss the Count Severo ( Herr Georges Melchior ) in order to study the possibilities of mineral extraction from the mines that belongs to his chief. But the wicked Count ( a classical reiteration… ) inner intentions is that Berval never return to France. In this way he doesn't have any obstacle in order to get Denise's love ( Dame Regina Thomas ). Meanwhile in Monte Puebla, Berval will meet Papitou ( Josephine Baker ) who is a sparkling indigene that will fall in love with him. She doesn't hesitate to pursue Berval to Paris where finally she will find out that he loves Denise but on the other hand she will become a music-hall star. The film is full of intrigues and satires (but this is too formulaic and with simple characters ). The result is an unwise mixture of genres in one film ( adventure, drama, musical, ) with plenty of bad performances including Dame Baker. This in spite of the fact that she plays a kind of free spirited girl, but similar to a cartoon character, a "pecata minuta" in itself. Our heroine was more interested to dance the Charleston than properly act. This is demonstrated at the end of the film, which includes an excerpt of her talented dancing. That's enough for Dame Baker fans and dissipated German aristocrats.And now if you'll allow me, I must temporarily take my leave because this German count must unknot his knees before dancing Charleston.
tavm If you watch Siren of the Tropics with the mindset of the 21st century, try not to pay too much attention to the melodramatic plot about a tycoon trying to keep his daughter from marrying someone he doesn't think worthy of her. This seems to be an excuse to send the daughter's suitor to a faraway jungle to search for jewelry in order to prove the daughter's worth. It is here that we meet Papitou, Josephine Baker's character, who falls for the suitor after saving his life. Papitou follows the suitor back to France and is spotted by some theatrical agents dancing with orphan children. They decide to form a show with her but she won't perform unless she is promised to see the suitor. They call the suitor's potential father-in-law to arrange a meeting. Since the potential father-in-law knows what would happen if his daughter sees Papitou embrace her husband-to-be, he agrees. If you've seen some dramas involving mixed races made before the 1970s, you may be surprised by what happens here. The main reason to see this is to marvel at Ms. Baker's Charleston dance at the end. If you're interested in seeing early African-American film performances, especially Josephine Baker's, this one is definitely worth seeking out!