Silent Venom
Silent Venom
| 02 June 2009 (USA)
Silent Venom Trailers

An American submarine traveling through dangerous territorial waters is put in even more danger when two scientists bring venomous snakes on board.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
alin_1-1 As someone said previously, Krista Allen could be the only justified reason that you'll find after watching this film. I understand the idea behind the script, but the delivered scenario was a complete failure, starting from the attitude and the actions of Krista Allen's assistant and carry on with the imminent danger and attack of a foreign enemy. ... Of course, despite having all the modern technologies on their side, it was not possible for the Asian enemy to stop a museum submarine, but hell, you need more than this and some snakes against a schoolboys crew. Acting? Non-existent. Special effects are laughable, if the case, the highlight being the big snakes rolling down submarine's corridors. Krista Allen wasn't convincing as a scientist and neither her qualities haven't been well reflected by a too static role.
MartianOctocretr5 Intentional camp, and fun enough for a good laugh. Snakes have gotten tired of planes, trains, and automobiles, so now they set sail under the sea. It's up periscope, finance a film budget of $49, and bon voyage."Captain, we have snakes on board." Oh really? Perhaps that means the rubber toys that vaguely resemble snakes. Also, some hilariously cheap CGI serpents that move more like video game cartoon characters than a snake. Shots of them slithering around aimlessly on the floor with no actors anywhere around pop up once in a while; this may be inserted stock footage of real ones in a glass case. The actors trying to look scared of these blue screen and/or rubber beasties is priceless. One scene has a guy gingerly lifting a the rubber toys off of an imperiled person, then hurls it wildly lol.It's all a government conspiracy; astonishing. Some evil guy sends a scientist on board to covertly transport genetically engineered snakes for military use (neglecting to inform the crew of the hissing cargo, of course). Maybe it's the DNA mutation that makes them look so fake, and lazily hang out doing nothing like they've been drugged. Anyway, things progress exactly as expected, in the ludicrous fashion that's expected.Turn off the brain before watching.
zardoz-13 "Silent Venom" is--no surprises here--essentially snakes-on-a-sub. The U.S. Navy has sold an old submarine to Taiwan and Admiral Bradley Wallace (Tom Berenger of "Sniper") assigns Lieutenant Commander James O'Neill (Luke Perry of "The Fifth Element") to skipper the sub. It seems that O'Neill disobeyed a direct order and he stands to lose his retirement benefits as well as his rank, but Wallace engineers a deal that will save the Lieutenant Commander both his rank and honor. Naturally, our hero does not care to sail as a skipper on an unarmed sub. Meanwhile, on an island, Dr. Andrea Swanson (Krista Allen of Emmanuelle, Queen of the Galaxy") and her unethical research assistant Jake Goldin (Louis Mandylor of "Renegade Force") have been conducting research on venomous snakes so that they can provide the Pentagon with anti-toxins for troops in chemical warfare situations. The Red Chinese decide to stage maneuvers and the Pentagon needs somebody to pick up Swanson. You guessed it. The old sub is the closest thing to transport so Admiral Wallace orders our hero to let them hitch a ride. The catch is that Dr. Swanson can neither divulge the nature of their research nor that they are bringing snakes aboard a submarine. Furthermore, Swanson has only a few bottles of anti-toxin that has never been tested so she does not know if it works. No sooner have Swanson and Jack settled into the sub than the snakes get loose. A curious sailor is the culprit."Silent Venom" is reminiscent of a 1974 made-for-television David Janssen thriller "Fer-de-Lance." The bigger snakes are clearly computer-generated-imagery while the smaller snakes appear to be real snakes. Veteran exploitation filmmaker Fred Olen Ray of "Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers," knows his craft well enough to milk a modicum of suspense out of the formulaic screenplay by Mark Sanderson. Indeed, Ray has called the shots on over an hundred of these direct-to-video movies. The best scenes show both the real-life actors handling the snakes. Luke Perry has to remove several snakes from the neck of Krista Allen. "Silent Venom" qualifies as strictly an exercise in boilerplate suspense. The ending is clever.Tom Berenger doesn't have a big role, but everybody does fine.
dbborroughs Fred Olin Ray with Luke Perry and Tom Berenger is what amounts to "Snakes on a Sub". the plot has a decommissioned sub going to rescue a research team from an island. The crew is unaware that the people they are rescuing are doing research with poisonous snakes, and that the snakes will inevitably get out at the worst possible time.How many films have there been with computer generated snakes over the last couple of years. Too many if you ask me, I'm guessing that the effects supply store had a fire sale and every low budget producer bought a snake program. That said as these sort of dumb films go this film is pretty good. Of course you'll have to over look a couple of logic gaps the size of Montana but assuming you can do that you might enjoy yourself. Actually if you watch this with friends in a witty mood, you'll have an even better time.