| 28 July 2005 (USA)
Siegfried Trailers

The tale of Siegfried, a fearless dragon slayer who wins the heart of Celtic beauty Kriemhild.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Horst in Translation ( "Siegfried" is a movie from 10 years ago which serves as a comedic parody of the famous German Nibelungen-Sage. This tale has been put on screen many times and the most famous version is maybe also the oldest, namely the one by Fritz Lang. The lead actor here, however, is not Paul Richter, but Tom Gerhardt, one of Germany's most known comedians. When this was made, Gerhardt was still working on his long-running sitcom "Hausmeister Krause". The director is Sven Unterwaldt Jr., who has worked on several Otto movies and also a lot with Atze Schröder. Fittingly these two appear as voice actors in small roles in "Siegfried". Gerhardt also made the script, together with the writer of "Die unendliche Geschichte".Unfortunately, the whole story is as forgettable as Gerhardt's acting range is limited. He usually plays simple, not very brought, but somewhat likable characters. If you are familiar with German comedy, you will not only find Waalkes and (the unbearable) Atze Schröder here, but also Markus Maria Profitlich, Mirco Nontschew, Mirja Boes and Janine Kunze. The latter was also a regular on "Hausmeister Krause". Apart from them I found Dorkas Kiefer, Jan Sosniok and Elmar Wepper also familiar faces/voices.As a whole however, I found this rather disappointing. The problem is not that the story wasn't accurate. This was sort of expected. No Brunhild and Siegfried does not die. The real problem is that it was really not very funny during these slightly-under-90 minutes. Also the pig, which was cute could have been a much better addition without the annoying (obviously intended as funny too) voice. Also these butt-kissing scenes were the weirdest thing ever. St least he made the right choice in the end. Daniela Wutte looked stunning here. Still, not recommended.
Andrea Harvey Finally a funny German movie worth watching! I usually don't laugh or even smile when watching a movie - even if it's a funny one - but Siegfried made me laugh a few times! It's funny, amusing, a movie you just watch without thinking about it! Very good German is necessary to understand it fully! The whole movie is in "Rheinländisch" dialect, and jokes may not be understood completely. The funniest is the pig. A very cute and smart character. Very funny the part where the pig teaches Siegfried how to kiss... A must see! Mimi once pulls Siggi (Siegfried) out of the water and decides to raise him. He discovers that Siggi is extremely strong, but unfortunately does not know how to deal with his powers. When falling in love with princess Kriemhild the movie really starts. She does not want to marry the nerd, so everybody's trying hard to get rid of him.
Bart This movie is not made for international broadcast, its just Tom Gerhard in his favorite foolish role. The story is simple and the jokes aren't very intelligent, in fact only primitive. But if you want to turn off your brain, maybe you can enjoy the hole thing. Tom Gerhard is the best comedian playing a "kölsch"(colonian) primitive.The story is a stultification of the old German legend about Siegfried and the treasure of the Nibelungen. The plot is easy to summaries, a stupid adopted son of a blacksmith, who is the strongest man on earth meets accidentally a beautiful princess, he falls in love in her and tries to fulfill some tasks to marry her. But the problem is the princess doesn't want to marry this stupid guy. So her worshiper from the castle does anything to stop and kill Siegfried.
rainmandominik Oh my God, this is an all time low for the German ( Comedy ) Movie Industry. "7 Zwerge" was really bad, but "Siegfried" tops it 2 times. I couldn't believe my eyes what I was seeing, the jokes are so down and used again again and again. All what I can say is poor Mr. Unterwaldt, and if this wasn't enough he ( Sven Unterwaldt ) is going to direct another "7 Zwerge" Movie. What can I say about the movie, we have talking, farting animals no fun at all, throwing up and pissing humans, it doesn't get any worse then this, hopefully. The movie was going down the drain with the first scene, it not even took one minute of the clock and I was almost out of the theater. I hope Michael "Bully" Herbig can make once again a movie that is classy. If you read this comment before seeing the movie think twice before going to the theater.