She's Having a Baby
She's Having a Baby
PG-13 | 05 February 1988 (USA)
She's Having a Baby Trailers

Jake and Kristy Briggs are newlyweds. Being young, they are perhaps a bit unprepared for the full reality of marriage and all that it (and their parents) expect from them. Do they want babies? Their parents certainly want them to. Is married life all that there is? Things certainly aren't helped by Jake's friend Davis, who always seems to turn up just in time to put a spanner in the works.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
claytonchurch1 If you got married and had at least one kid, you'll appreciate this movie a lot.Negatives:1. There's nothing to brag about in the acting, though Kevin Bacon and Elizabeth McGovern do a nice job. 2. The script is just okay, and holds back what could have been a much better film.Positives:1. There are so few movies that focus on marriage, getting married, having a baby, living with your kids, or even a gut-wrenching divorce. I appreciate when a filmmaker takes on these subjects, which touch a lot of the population, but rarely are addressed in film. They are powerful subjects to which many, many people relate. However, the lion's share of films deal with meeting somebody and getting together--at most going to a proposal--but they don't deal with anything that follows that. This movie covers what follows, and anyone who has been through it can relate to the various issues through which you go in a normal relationship like this. 2. The labor and delivery segment of the film was pretty well done, and I enjoyed it a lot.Recommendation:Watch this movie, since there are so few movies that deal with the subject matter.The movie "Marley and Me" (Owen Wilson & Jennifer Aniston) actually deals with all these things much better, with better acting and a better script. I know, that's a dog movie, but it's really not – it's really a movie about getting married, beginning careers, living as a married couple, and having kids. Other good movies in this category are "The War of the Roses" (Michael Douglas & Kathleen Turner), "Price Check" (Eric Mabius & Parker Posey), Regarding Henry" (Harrison Ford & Annette Benning), and "The Story of Us" (Bruce Willis & Michelle Pfeiffer).
lhhung_himself John Hughes films had some of the best soundtracks ever, or more correctly gave rise to the best albums based on soundtracks. The Pretty in Pink album is one of the greatest compilations of 80's music made in the 80's. It was edgy stuff back then and still sounds remarkably current today.The music in "She's having a baby" is almost as good. Kate Bush's "This Woman's Work" is one of those rare songs that was so beautiful and haunting that I can flash back to exactly where I heard it first. It is so universal and timeless that a muscular 6 foot 5, 250 pound Afro-American man could sing it on American Idol 23 years later and bring tears to the judges eyes. The movie is worth seeing just for the final scene, where this song plays while Kevin Bacon is anxiously waiting for word about his wife and baby.The rest of it is very playful and fluffy and especially for those of us that lived through those times, quite enjoyable. Younger viewers might get an appreciation for how innocent and naive people were back then. Especially fun was seeing Alec Baldwin in his pretty boy grease-ball stage. And unlike Pretty in Pink, the music in the soundtrack actually forms a large part of the story - and did I tell you how good that soundtrack is?
gcd70 This is definitely not John Hughes' genre. In his attempt to tackle this weighty subject, he has created a flippant, misfired show about life-time commitments. Hughes just can't stay serious about serious. There is not enough humour in here to make this a successful comedy, and the poignancy at crucial points is missing (so much potential in this area). Too many scenes shoot wide of the mark.Kevin Bacon and Elizabeth McGovern are both likable and they make a cute couple, but the former has gone on to stronger roles and the latter; whatever did happen to Elizabeth McGovern?Chicago is of course the setting, and Hughes employs the usual pop soundtrack (from former "Police" guitarist Stewart Copeland).PS Stay tuned for the end credits when a crowd of Hughes' friends drop by.Monday, January 26, 1998 - Video
tfrankmovies I can't really tell you why this is my favorite movie, but I've always loved it. I saw it about ten years ago and ended up having to own it I loved it so much. Of course, I've seen it at least twenty times since. It's just a great film. Funny, heartwarming, a few tears. A classic 80's movie. You really feel like Jake and Kristy are a real couple. A perfect movie for newlyweds or anyone about to venture into parenthood. John Hughes brilliantly displays the emotions and fears of a young man facing his fear of growing up, becoming a husband, a father, an adult. One of the many films that prove Kevin Bacon truly is a star. I highly recommend this film.