She Said No
She Said No
| 23 September 1990 (USA)
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A successful career woman is raped by a prominent lawyer. However, when she takes the case to court, it results in a hung jury. When the DA's office declines to retry the case, the lawyer opts to sue the woman for malicious prosecution and slander leaving her feeling raped again.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
PL1981 "She Said No" is an intriguing and chilling made-for-TV movie that raises interesting and complex issues but also heartbreakingly and powerfully portrays the ordeal of a rape victim whose suffering and pain at the hands of her tormentor continues long after the actual incident Beth Early accepts a ride home with a seemingly charming lawyer classmate at the French language course she is taking. He turns out to be an abusive and cruel rapist and, after he rapes her, she does the right thing and reports him to the police who subsequently charge him with the offense. But the prosecution's case collapses and the lawyer then uses his knowledge of legal proceedings to sue Ms Early for defamation.The cast in this movie are fantastic. Judd Hirsch does a great job in portraying all the complex dimensions of his character -sinister, charming, evil and scheming all in one. Lee Grant is also great here in a sympathetic role.But the real star of the show is Veronica Hamel. Rarely have I seen an actress bring a character to life with the depth and dimension that Veronica Hamel is able to do for the character of Beth Early. She gives the character all qualities, characteristics and emotions that enables the viewer to really empathize with her and what she is going through and she gives the character such believability and substance that you almost feel as though she is a real person. This is one of the best performances I have seen and it is a credit to Ms Hamel's ability as an actress that she is able to do this This movie is very well-made, powerful and intriguing and, despite the uncomfortable subject material, it is worthwhile viewing
MarieGabrielle please don't discount this film because of the subject matter. Veronica Hamel and Judd Hirsch are very good, but I must admit I am always partial to Lee Grant, who has presence, intensity and always believability in any role she portrays.Primarily, the story centers around Hirsch, who is an attorney accustomed to getting what he wants. Hamel is the victim, who pursues the case all the way through. The story is very well acted; no grandiose or unreal sub-plots, and Hamel is understated and sympathetic.The relationship between Grant and Hamel is also a counterpoint in the story. Grant became an attorney relatively late in life, and Hamel congratulates her. Hamel then decides she too will have the strength to pursue this case to the higher courts, where she previously had a defeatist attitude.This film has a good message in that too many women often give up, and do not pursue their goals. Especially in earlier generations such as my own, wherein women were not really encouraged to "make waves" or "challenge authority". Good film, 9/10.
paultrefzger-1 This is one of the best movies (TV or otherwise) on the subject of rape and its aftermath that I have seen. And despite the fact that the movie was filmed in 1990, there have not been significant enough advances in the criminal justice system to see that this story is still relevant. The three leading actors are very good, Judd Hirsh as the rapist, Lee Grant as the attorney, first for the prosecution and then in a civil case, for the defense of the victim, Veronica Hamel. Ms. Hamel's victim is unfamiliar with the court system, but it is further complicated by the rapist's having been an attorney, and he is an intelligent manipulator. There are interesting twists and turns and although I believe that this is fiction, it certainly rings very true. It is an acting tour de force by both Ms. Grant and Ms. Hamel. Judd Hirsh plays the sociopathic rapist well.
Loulou-8 One of the better TV movies to come out of America in the early 1990s. Veronica Hamel is superb, as ever and, Judd Hirsch is effectively cast against type. Definitely worth a viewing when the opportunity arises.