Shark Zone
Shark Zone
| 14 October 2003 (USA)
Shark Zone Trailers

A secret fortune in diamonds lies at the bottom of the ocean but the treasure is also home to a school of deadly Great White sharks. Only one man knows the truth when a group of divers is attacked while searching for the loot. Now, the sharks are hunting swimmers on a nearby beach. The slaughter will continue until someone believes him.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
wes-connors In 1712, the "Santa Cruz" is sidetracked by a storm while sailing for the Americas. The ship sinks. Hundreds of yeas later, handsome young Dean Cochran (as Jimmy Wagner) joins his father and an expedition diving for diamonds rumored to have gone down with the ship. A tragic shark attack occurs, but Mr. Cochran survives. Ten years later, Cochran is head man in a San Francisco beach community. He has a beautifully-proportioned wife, Brandi Sherwood (as Carrie). They have a cute son, Luke Leavitt (as Danny). Due to his traumatic experience, Cochran has bad dreams about sharks...After a swarm of killer sharks massacres a bunch of swimmers, Cochran wants to close the beach. Because there is a lucrative fiesta planned, business-minded mayor Alan Austin (as John Cortell) wants the beach open. Velizar Binev (as Volkoff ), a persuasive Russian, wants Cochran to help him find the "Santa Cruz" treasure. Since the diamonds went down in the "Shark Zone", it could be dangerous. This unexciting re-hash of "Jaws" (1975) looks like it was cobbled together from various sources. Appearing very choppy; it might have been the best they could do, under the circumstances.*** Shark Zone (10/14/03) Danny Lerner ~ Dean Cochran, Alan Austin, Brandi Sherwood, Velizar Binev
redhead9898 Okay, the beginning is stupid because great whites don't hunt in packs, and the woman with blonde hair is never shown being eaten but the story says she was... when he has a dream with his wife getting eaten, it's like slow mochine, and at the beach the sharks roar above and below the surface, and sharks din;t roar. The director must be completely idiotic, and i mean in the beginning while they swim they talk to each other but their no device with them allowing them to communicate with each other. I mean come on, i would have sat through shark attack which is one of the most boringest shark attack films I ever saw. So don't waste your time on this garbage. The director and crew wasted their time working on this junk. I give the rating a : F- because the movie is one of the worst cheesiest b-movies I ever saw. So don't waste your time watching this.
smiley-32 I saw this film yesterday.. I gotta hand it to you.. It was one of the worst shark films I've seen. OK! I saw JAWS a few times.. But the film itself left me with a scar.. This one didn't..While I was watching this film.. It had the same storyline as JAWS as well as PIRATES OF THE Caribbean.. But for some reason, the plot began to change course.. So, I was thinking to myself.. what was director Danny Learner trying to do..? Is he telling us a story about sharks attacking people on the beach, or is about a ruthless guy going after sunken treasure?Well, somehow I managed to figure out it was both..Anyway, it was a total waste of money doing something like this.. I didn't enjoy it.I don't see why filmmakers struggle so hard to come with the next big thing, with sharks in it?Well, I guess for director Danny Learner.. He should go back to the drawing board.0 out of 10!
Moonbeam1980 This is easily the worst movie I've ever seen, but it is the kind of awful that makes it oh so worth the price of admission. I have never witnessed worse acting all around as real-life couple Brandi Sherwood and Dean Cochran (how are those for porn names?) scrape the very bottom of the acting barrel to great comedic effect.A summary of the plot is quite unnecessary, as it is really a horrible Jaws pastiche- think greedy mayor, disgruntled but ever-hopeful hero guy trying to protect his family and add a goofy subplot involving predictably nefarious Russian diamond-hunters and you get the idea. The film is basically a composite of pre-recorded shark footage from the Discovery Channel (in fact, most of these scenes are played SEVERAL times within a few minutes) meshed with fake looking death scenes. And oh, are there a lot of death scenes. I've never seen a higher body count in a shark movie, and I have made an effort to see as many as possible. Definitely a case of quantity reigning victorious over any semblance of quality, but I digress.A more warranted review of this movie would detail the numerously ridiculous and consequently wonderful mistakes:Wagner, a so-called shark expert, informs the mayor that these pesky sharks are related to the Jurassic sharks of 50 million years ago. News flash: The Jurassic period ended 145 million years ago.Sharks do not growl.It is rare to see Great Whites together, but I'll be damned if they aren't chilling with their bros all up in this Shark Zone in about every sequence.During several of the attack scenes, you can see the flesh of some animal used as bait tied to a fishing line. Well, gee, no wonder Wagner is only batting about .010 in terms of saving the many hapless victims. I guess all of the budget was spent on erasing the Discovery Channel logo from the footage.The final shark scene in the pool features a SURFBOARD with a shark painted on the bottom.How could a Spanish ship crossing the Atlantic ocean sink in the Pacific outside of San Francisco? Must have been one hell of a storm.During Wagner's dream, his wife is dragged out of the boat by a shark that has crashed through the bottom. She is dragged into the water but somehow manages to splash and drip water from her submerged hands and arms.Overall, my feelings about this movie are mixed. While it offers countless thrills in terms of sheer laughable entertainment, the truly scrate-awful acting and egregious errors render it nothing short of the worst movie ever made.