Shame the Devil
Shame the Devil
| 02 December 2013 (USA)
Shame the Devil Trailers

A London detective tracking a serial killer finds the killers "truth or die" methods take him to New York to solve the case.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Michael Ledo James (Simon Phillips) is a detective investigating the strange deaths of a "you lie you die" serial killer. The killer uses a lie detector as a trigger mechanism to kill its victims. The killings start to center around James who is released from the case. Determined to still solve the crimes, James flies to NY to see a crime profiler who happen to be an old girlfriend (Juliette Bennett). His pregnant wife (Lucy Clements) doesn't want him to go.The opening scene made me chuckle. The killer had a Saw-like attitude and feel. This is a crime/thriller with a touch of horror. Film includes your basic twist, nothing fancy, and an ending I might have done differently.Good rental.F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
James-Bancroft A film that thinks it would be a good idea to copy Saw, then try to copy s7ven (but work through the 10 commandments instead!)Very predictable, very repetitive and absolutely nothing new.From the opening rip off scene to the closing "twist" this film fails to present the viewer with any innovation.I am not sure how I made it to the end. I suppose I wanted to see how they could fit the deaths in associated with the ten commandments. They didn't even manage that!This film would be good if you were playing cliché bingo. You would have a full house after 30 minutes. Lead cop taken off the case and continues to investigate it ... You know the score.Avoid.
mjsreg Well – I was really disappointed by this film, and I didn't have that many expectations.I am not sure where to start – seriously. From the outset it just didn't seem 'right' and progressively became more 'not right'.From the outset the dialogue doesn't seem to fit together properly – let alone flow naturally as the story progresses. The same with character interactions – they just don't make sense at all. It is like the bits that explain the characters interaction is missing and they are straight into heavy emotional or dramatic dialogue for no obvious reason – very odd.It could be partly the acting and partly the direction (as well as the awful writing) which doesn't make the characters believable at all. It is a bit like watching a very bad Latin American soap (if you have seen one you will know what I mean).Then there are the factual inaccuracies. Whoever wrote this did not do their research well – if they did any at all that is. Some things are just plain ridiculous – like the lie detector machine and the 'psychological profiler' speaking absolute (bleep) about nearly everything to do with psychology. There are so many unbelievable and plain stupid scenarios in this film that it is best to watch it for yourself – if you have nothing better to do such as laundry, or there isn't much interesting on the shopping channels.The cinematography and lighting are OK though – mostly.This could have potentially been a decent film if someone had taken time to write decent dialogue and made sure the story flowed naturally - and got their facts right – and the actors were better and not a mixture of wooden overly dramatic pensiveness.The ending was rubbish too.
bowmanblue If you claim to be even just a mild fan of the horror genre then you probably know about the 'Saw' films by now. From the opening scene in 'Shame the Devil' you'll probably be thinking, 'Oh, this is a Saw rip-off.' And you'd be right. Although, maybe Shame the Devil isn't anything like Saw at all, because the Saw franchise was well-done and successful whereas Shame the Devil is total rubbish.Sorry to be blunt, but there isn't much going for this film. It's a British version of Saw, only nowhere near as good on any level.Yes, it's a horror film and anyone who's ever watched one probably isn't expecting amazing performances from the characters. However, the actors here take bad acting to new levels. In fact, sometimes the performances are so bad that you could be excused for thinking that they're a bunch of students, playing at being professionals.However, maybe I'm being a little unfair on the actors. They really don't get much to work with. Every line they're forced to speak is filled with clichés and sounds like it's been copied and pasted from one generic cop movie or another. With acting and dialogue like this it makes it impossible to care for any of the characters as they sort of bumble about, trying to catch a killer who's hell-bent on making his victims confess to their darkest secrets or murdering them if they lie.Simple verdict: don't bother. There's absolutely nothing positive about this film at all (with the possible exception of the quite breath-taking establishing shots of London, which I found quite nice!).