Shake, Rattle & Roll 8
Shake, Rattle & Roll 8
| 25 December 2006 (USA)
Shake, Rattle & Roll 8 Trailers

Just like the seven previous SR&R franchise, this has three episodes-"13/F," about a children's party held in a forbidden floor; "Yaya" is about a naughty kid who discovers that her new nanny is a vampire; and "LRT" is about a freak accident in which people find themselves trapped in an LRT coach, chased by a monster.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Rusty-61 The only Shake Rattle & Roll (awesome name for a horror franchise) I'd seen before this was one I rented On Demand, the description of which didn't bother to mention the installment was in Tagalog with no English subtitles. I still sat through it, more or less, and could still see it had some very creepy images and even plot twists.The first story is the weakest, more a comedy than horror. Set-up for "The 13th Floor" sounded promising, but it's played as a comedy (and didn't succeed as one). The CGI was used in a slightly original way, but the effects were terrible enough that it just screeched to a halt. In fact, the FX, combined with the predictability of the plot, almost made the whole movie screech to a halt for me. However, before I kicked it out of the DVD player, I started looking at reviews online and saw most said the middle segment made SR&R 8 worth a rental. They were right, and I'm glad I watched the entire movie."Yaya" is indeed the most memorable of the lot, about an especially cute little boy who suspects something isn't right with his new nanny. His fears are confirmed, as he learns the folklore about "aswangs" from his teacher. Naturally, his mother and aunt just roll their eyes and assume someone's been telling him ghost stories. He sets out to discover a way to protect him and his baby sister, but soon realizes he may be in way over his head. The actor that plays the boy is really talented; I've seen a lot of terrible kid actors in foreign (and American) horror, so my expectations were low. Instead I was very impressed, this kid is talented. The segment probably wouldn't have worked as well if they hadn't cast an actor who could portray fear, as well as love for his family and protectiveness towards his baby sister so convincingly. Honestly, the majority of kids in horror movies get on my nerves, but I just wanted to give him a big hug. The aswang is genuinely frightening, enough that I decided partway through this installment that maybe it hadn't been a clever idea to watch it with all the lights off, and pause the movie to turn on all the lights in the room. As far as I could tell, the effects were mostly practical, and pretty good ones at that.What I read about the third segment, LRT, didn't make it sound like anything special. I turned the lights back off when it started ...then realized I'd fall asleep easier that night with them on again. The subway monster has an original design, and is definitely not something you'd want to catch a glimpse of in an abandoned LRT tunnel (or anywhere for that matter). The characters mainly died in the order I expected them to (until the last 10-15 minutes), but that didn't make it any less entertaining to watch, and there was a pretty clever twist at the end--I didn't see it coming, and the reveal made the whole tone even more dark and creepy. The FX were played just right; the minor use of CGI just enhanced the practical effects. I heard a quote once about cosmetic surgery that I also heard several film-makers paraphrase- it shouldn't be used to turn an apple into an orange, but instead to make the original apple a shinier one. I didn't watch thinking, "Oh hey, there's some interesting CGI", instead I just thought how awesome the shots were in general.So check it out. I'm going to start seeking out other installments, and hope that one story/segment is at least as entertaining as this one.
mr_zombi (KillPopStars) well, if anyone knows already. Shake Rattle & Roll is a time-old Filipino horror (plus comedic) film series that has been on since the 80s. It usually contains 3 short films in to one movie. Most themes in the movies do sometime connect with each other. But mainly an offbeat collection of mixed results making it either "you love some, you'll never wished to have seen some' sort of are some overviews on the 3eps of this installment...13th floor: 4/10 (not really a horror piece, but an overly fun time) an okay fun ghost story of an orphanage that was burnt down back in the 80s. apparently a group of party organizers come to cater the birthday party thrown for a little girl. sooner or later, each and every one of them start encountering strange occurrences of hauntings. then in no time go mad. this is one of the more 'FUN' ep of the film. it's somewhat trying to be a horror/comedy run. with an heartfelt message coming at the end.Yaya: 8/10 (the best out of the 3, even if it's recycling the ASWANG bit) personally, this is the best episode out of the 3 in the film. pretty much it recycles the ASWANG folklore that has been popular in the Philippines for a long time. i liked how it seemed more darker in it's atmosphere than the other installments. a practically good story. with some nice scary effects, and thrilling scenes.LRT 6/10 (2nd place, but it does good) nicely done for a small monster stalker piece. i liked how they go with a nice prosthetic costume, then a crappy CGI monster. there's really nice bit and pieces of blood. seeming a little bit WESTERNIZED for it's theme compared to it's stereotypical Asian horror. some scenes do leave questioned to how they were shot. but over all a some-what nice ep to finish the film. especially the end.over all a nice 7/10 for not being another bit as cheesy as the other installments.
aribancale Going Bulilit had it right. "Pag nanood ka ng Shake Rattle & Roll 8, ikaw ay manginginig, mangangatal, gugulong at kakain." I was shaken and disturbed by the deterioration and non-development of Pinoy movie imagination. I was rattled to embarrassment by the ripped-off story lines. I rolled on the floor laughing (or at least I wanted to) at the unbelievably unoriginal lines they could just have made a silent movie and everyone would still have understood the entire plot and subplots (if any). And, it would really have been a better idea if I just ate the 120 pesos I spent for the movie. Or, better yet, spend it on UNICEF's text drive. Text ON BATANGPINOY to 2800 for Globe. Dunno bout Smart. (I tried this service just now to check if my memory served me right. And, it replied 'this service is temporarily not available, try again later.' What's up with that? Back to the movie, the best part was the scream-shot of IC Mendoza after the stupid and effortless scrambling away from the killer-monster. The theater actors made the most of what they were given. The Broadway couple came out like swans among turkeys. Eugene Domingo gave it her best I think. The worst non-actor was Bearwin Meily who seemed like he was just having fun at his neighborhood sari-sari store. The dime-a-dozen teens' only talent were their looks. In this country, physical appearance IS a talent.The best scare was a non-SFX scene. Iza Calzado wielding a butcher knife at the kid. Nice!! I wanted to chop off the kid from the very first scene he appeared. Bad direction, the kid (if real) probably had schizophrenia or a really terrible case of personality disorder. They really could've done without the last romantic bit of Keempee & Manilyn just before going out the window to escape from the killer-monster who wins worst rip-off. (Hello M.Night Shyamalan!) My entire being went, "WHAA???"
badidosh Fast becoming the Filipino "Friday the 13th" in terms of longevity, Regal Films' horror-comedy franchise "Shake, Rattle and Roll" hits the big screen anew this season with its 8th installment. As usual, three episodes with three different set of filmmakers and actors fill up the film's entire running time and the resulting imbalance of the end product either works for or against it. As with previous installments, there will be one that stands out; but along with it, the viewer has to sit through the two that don't. Or vice versa.Easily the weakest of the three, Rahyan Carlos' "13th Floor" opens the proceedings with a tale of party organizers called to the job one day at a condominium that has a tragic past. Headed by Sonny (Bearwin Meily), the group is tasked to prepare a birthday party for 11-year old Alex (Jolina Reyes). But something's not right. Alex's visitors seem extremely apathetic and really weird things start happening.How much this episode works for you depends entirely on how well you can take it at face value. As campy horror films go, "13th Floor" functions on the same level as the 1995 Japanese family horror film "Haunted School (Gakko no Kaidan)" only with less verve and a more sloppy direction. Also, if the names of Meily and Keanna Reeves on the credit sequence don't tip you off on its exaggerated tongue-in-cheek nature, it might take you a while to get your bearings on and go with the flow.As he has shown in "Pamahiin," restraint is far from Carlos' mind. It's a similar case here. Fortunately, his tendency to overindulge on scares and skimp on subtlety is cushioned by the fact that nothing here is to be taken seriously. Besides, at a third less than the overall length of "Pamahiin," this episode barely avoids on overstaying its qualified welcome.The next episode - "Yaya" - is helmed by Topel Lee, who also directed "Dilim," an entry to last year's Cinema One Originals Film Festival. Treading virtually the same theme, "Yaya" stars the impressive "Star Circle Quest Grand Kid Questor" Nash Aguas as a young boy who believes his new nanny is an "aswang" - a Filipino mythical creature that goes bump at night and eats human innards for dinner.With crisp storytelling, nice shots, and a few genuinely terrifying moments, Lee's episode delivers the best among the bunch. He's also aided by Aguas' strong performance who, at a young age, surprisingly holds himself on screen better than some actors more than double his age. Iza Calzado as the nanny barely exhibits the creepy ambiguity required of her but that's just maybe because I'm so used to her playing characters on the opposite side of the spectrum.As if the fuss of rush hour and a service sometimes badly in need of a TQM seminar aren't enough, the LRT gets further bad rep with Mike Tuviera's "LRT," the installment's third and final episode. Here, it's business as usual as a handful of commuters take the last train going home late one night. But soon, something's amiss because the train doesn't stop at any station and no one seems to care that there are people still aboard. Eventually locked inside the main terminal of LRT-2 is Keempee de Leon as the de facto leader of the group, Manilyn Reynes as a mother of an asthmatic child, Eugene Domingo as a religious fanatic, Cassandra Ponti as a nurse every patient would die for, Mico Palanca as a hotheaded yuppie, and a few other younger faces. And they all must stick together if they all want to live because something's lurking in the shadows that wants to eat their hearts out. Literally.What starts like a promising narrative dives to something more like "Jeepers Creepers," which is not necessarily a bad thing. The thing is, since the whole plot is just a part of an entirety, it's heavily truncated. As such, characters are barely fleshed out (not that it matters in films like this) and there's barely someone to root for. Honestly, I didn't care who lived and who got offed. There's an attempt to humanize the characters of De Leon and Reynes towards the end but it's so awkwardly placed I'm not sure whether to take it seriously. Also, because it's a PG-13 film, gore is severely limited. (Awww, and I was getting in the mood for some "LRT Chainsaw Massacre.") In the end, "Shake, Rattle and Roll 8" in its entirety is a film that will appeal to those looking for nothing more than unabashed escapism. Personally, there's some fun to be had here, although the best part is stacked in the middle so it might be better off on DVD to be able to skip chapters. Besides, HD digital looks better there.
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