| 25 February 2016 (USA)
Ligaw Trailers

A victim of rape by her brothers, Criselle had not known joy in her life. Her so-called mother abused her and made her work to the bones. Her supposedly loving father failed to defend her. The plot thickens as she discovers the true identity of her mother and the twisted fate she had received. Drowning with revenge, Criselle gives her soul to the devil and instantly becomes possessed by it. She plots to kill her entire family and end the torment that had beset her. I

Alicia I love this movie so much
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.