Shadows of Death
Shadows of Death
NR | 19 April 1945 (USA)
Shadows of Death Trailers

With the railroad coming to Red Rock, trouble is expected and Billy has been sent to help his friend Fuzzy who is the town's sheriff, judge, and barber. When the man that sent Billy is murdered and the railroad location map stolen, broken match sticks point to Vic Landreau. While Billy tries to find the missing map, Landreau suspects Billy is on to him and plans to have him killed.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
kfo9494 This is a classic Saturday Matinee western with all the trappings of the era. Heroic cowboy, funny side-kick, henchmen, pretty girl and fist-a-cuffs galore- a typical good time in the local theater on Saturday afternoon. The film was produced by PRC Pictures a famous 'skid-row' company that produced over 300 films in its short lifetime. And in this concept it made about sixteen films with Buster Crabbe and Al Fuzzy St John keeping the west safe- all over a three year period. That is some rushed production schedule. There's really not much to this story that has not already been played out in many westerns. Crabbe, playing the white hat cowboy Billy Carson, is hired by a man to inspect the land where a new railroad would be built. But before Carson can get to the area, some thugs have killed the man and is now trying to buy up all the property before the railroad. Carson has to get evidence that the thugs are the one that killed the man and put a stop to their property take-over.There is nothing really remarkable about the film as it played out as expected. Crabbe, who had already played cowboy star in the Billy-the-Kid serials, seemed a bit rough in this production. His acting was quite stiff and rehearsed in nearly every scene. But Crabbe, as always, was excellent in the fight scenes. Fuzzy St.John was his usual self by being the comic relief to every situation [laying it up for all its worth. And even if you did not like the story you have to agree that St.John was doing his best in a way that only he can perform. Even with the less than desirable story-line, the film fulfilled its desired responsibility. It was cheaply made, provided some entertainment and ended with desired results. And yes, Crabbe's white hat never hit the ground in the ending fight scene. For a 'B' western that about all you can ask
bkoganbing Shadow Of Death has Buster Crabbe going to the small slap saddle town of Red Rock where his long time sidekick Al St. John where's all kind of hats like the Poohba of The Mikado. He's the town barber, sheriff, and justice of the peace and a few other things we might have found out about if the film was longer. Crabbe is investigating the murder of a railroad agent who was bringing a map showing where some choice properties were for a railroad right of way.Buster's problem in this one is Eddie Hall, a young tough who would like to make his name by nailing Billy The Kid. The real villain of this film perennial western heavy Charles King would like to make this happen as he exerts an Iago like influence on Hall. The Desdemona of the film is Dona Dax who Hall thinks that Crabbe is putting moves on. Truth be told, Buster would probably like to, but there's a job to be done first.You can find the influence of the Bard in some of the strangest places.
FightingWesterner In this long in the tooth episode in Producers Releasing Corporation's Billy Carson series, Carson and sidekick Fuzzy Jones (this time working as a barber/justice of the peace) investigate the murder of a railroad man carrying secret plans for a railroad line.Shadows Of Death is a great title but the film itself is just plain awful. There's lots of hair-cutting, talking, and hanging around but little action. Billy and Fuzzy's sleuthing is pretty yawn inducing this go around.The best thing about this is the climactic fist fight at the end.Charles King (who's always good) plays the fat cat villain for the umpteenth time. This guy seems to come back more than Freddy Krueger!Watch some of Crabbe's earlier pictures instead.
Spuzzlightyear Well, here's something I didn't know, aside from making laughable serials, Crabbe also made quite a number of westerns. Here, in the amazingly titled Shadows Of Death, Crabbe is presented as the "King of The Wild West" (??) and that he and his partner, affectionately (I'm sure) named Fuzzy (there's always a sidekick in these westerns that wind up with a stupid name) are presented as "Our Old Pals". Whatever you say Mr. Movie! Anyways, Crabbe arrives into town to help his friend Fuzzy with a suspicious individual who may or may not have murdered a courier with some important documents to widen a town. There's also a feeble love interest in there somewhere for good measure. All in all, this Western was certainly passable, it was certainly surprising to see Buster Crabbe in something else than Sci-Fi, and he actually looks comfortable in a cowboy hat. The plot is not bad, but I could have liked a little less stupid comedy from Fuzzy. All in all, not bad.