Shadow Builder
Shadow Builder
| 01 November 1998 (USA)
Shadow Builder Trailers

A demon is summoned to take the soul of a young boy who has the potential to become a saint. By doing this he will open a doorway to hell and destroy the world.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
jacobjohntaylor1 See this movie. It is a very scary movie. It has a great story line. It also has great acting. It is scarier then A Nightmare on elm street. If it does not scary you no movie will. It is a very scary movie.
CabbageCustard I would be the first one to admit that I am not a particular fan of horror movies, but I've sat few enough of them to know that some are genuinely frightening and keep you on the edge of your seat, maybe even watching through gaps in fingers held over your eyes. Sadly Shadow Builder is not, definitely not, one of those. I don't recall if I have ever encountered a movie which tries so hard to be scary but is so lacking in suspense and frightening moments. This movie is more likely to produce incredulous guffaws than squeals of terror. Full of both clichéd and ridiculous characters, chief among whom is the central character, the eponymous Shadow Builder, who floats around making ominous and serious pronouncements to the other protagonists in a basso profundo tones. Sadly, the makers of this movie did not understand the concept of 'less is more' and that subtlety can be very effective in evoking an atmosphere of menace. Subtlety is in short supply here.All that being said though, I didn't hate this movie. My enjoyment however, was the type that comes from watching something so bad it was actually good. Well, maybe not good, but certainly amusing!
NateWatchesCoolMovies Bram Stoker's Shadowbuilder is a completely awesome little horror flick that has gathered copious amounts of dust since it's mid 90's release. Forgotten and forsaken, it should have spawned an epic franchise in the vein of stuff like Wishmaster, but oh well, we've still got the original beloved entry. Now, just exactly how much of what we see in the film is based on actual Bram Stoker work is up for debate and a little beyond the scant research that I have done, but it's a tidy little concept that's executed with B-movie earnestness and a love for the spooky corner of cinema. The plot concerns a priest named Father Vassey, played by genre titan Michael Rooker. Vassey is probing the rural Midwestern belt of the US looking for an ancient demon that's something like a shapeshifter who deeds on both darkness and human souls, which resembles a cloud of dust reflected through hundreds of crystal prisms, from what i remember. He's not your garden variety preacher, sporting two laser sighted semi automatic handguns which come handy in tight shadowy corners, and the jaded will to kick some supernatural ass, not so much in the name of the Lord (he doesn't believe in god anymore) but more for a dark and personal crusade against the Shadowbuilder. The demon hovers around a young boy, hungering for a soul within that has the potential to both become a saint and also open a doorway to hell in one stroke. Vassey is a determined and resourceful badass, relying on nearby townsfolk for help and support, and Rooker sells the schlocky tone with remarkable gravity that is his trademark. He almost always plays extreme characters in tense narratives and keeps up the energy like clockwork. There's a hilarious turn from a dread lock adorned Tony Todd (Candyman) as Evert Covey, a backwoods eccentric with a penchant for Rastafarian speech and a part to play in the drama once we realize he isn't there solely for comic relief. This one is hard to find and almost no one has seen it, but I'm hoping my review will change that, because it's it's a little treasure and a fantasy horror classic for me.
boo_4ever As a direct to video release this isn't half bad.Shadowbuilder is loosely based on a Bram Stoker short story. The first shadow created when God flooded the world with light is out to plunge it back into eternal darkness. I think.This film reminded me very much of The Mummy in structure. Evil dude comes back to life drawing powers from souls he devours in the midst of an avalanche of CGI. The film relies a lot on CGI which I didn't like at first. But if you accept it as more of a fantasy film then horror you will recognise its actually pretty well done. The demon also isn't that bad. The garish pink monstrosity (yes it was pink) on the DVD cover led me to believe it would be a yawn inducing man mincing around in a horned rubber suit but I was pleasantly surprised. Good use too of shadow and darkness so what you see of the creature leaves most to your imagination. Just the way it should be.Some parts of the film drag a lot and there aren't that many great moments. But that isn't to say there aren't any at all. Overrall though Shadowbuilder remains pretty average but still very enjoyable if you aren't looking for something that will blow you away. Unlike the Matrix wannabe priest with the twin 9mm's. The film needed a lot more of Neo shooting vainly at the afro toting bad guy.