Sexual Roulette
Sexual Roulette
| 15 April 1997 (USA)
Sexual Roulette Trailers

When a young couple loses all of their money at a casino, the husband performs certain "favours" in order to work the debt off, while his wife is unaware of this kinky arrangement.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
M MALIK i am huge soft core genre fan and specially any work where Gabriella hall is present this film sexual roulette came in 1996 i was 6 years old that time i recently saw this and can proudly say the direction is high class here by Gary Graver he shot all sexual scenes amazingly.the plot:a couple comes to las Vegas and looses all of their money now the casino wants their money back in order to pay off the debt the husband gets involved in sexual favors.the cast:Tane McClure & Gabriella Hall are two ladies that i really loved and enjoyed every scene they were in the good thing is they know how to act which is very rare these days.the highlight is the background score its pure amazing its in the credits scene you can listen to it many times and get hooked.the sex scenes in this film are pure breathtaking the director knew what he wanted and the result is fantastic its not a soft core film only for sensual theme but also got a good story and a deep message for people who love to gamble this film is not telling people to stay away from Vegas but giving a hint that don't waste money on casinos.the end is tricky one it will get you thinking for a long time but despite that its a great film to watch quite underrated.Overall My Rating For Sexual Roulette 1996 is 10/10. A Must See Film Highly Recommended For Soft Core Fans.
insomniac_rod One of the best soft core sex movies of the 90's in my opinion. Tane McClure and Gabriela Hall shine on their roles mainly because they display decent acting skills. While Mrs. McClure delivers a very sexy performance with kinky and sexy sex scenes. Mrs. Hall is also very adequate and sexy in her role.Think about "Fatal Attraction" with plenty of sex and steamy situations. There's sex all the way.Highlights: the sex scene in the bathtub courtesy of Mrs. Hall, and the last hot sex scene with Mrs. McClure. Special mention for Mrs. McClure sex scene where she is wearing a sexy black dress.The movie is pretty entertaining but absurd at some points but you can't expect much from soft core sex. This one is one of the best of it's kind.
BlackJack_B Any time a film or show takes place in Las Vegas, it gets extra points from me. Las Vegas the city steals the show because it is a truly glamorous place to behold. It's also the setting for this low budget spin on the film Robert Redford wished he'd never have been in, Indecent Proposal.Tim Abell and Gabriella Hall play a married couple from L.A. who frequent Vegas often. Apparently, they've never had much luck, but they survive. One day, a script that Jed Wills had written and was expecting to be paid for is cancelled, and they are broke. Then a friend offers to let them into a safe bet to double their money in a horse bet, they decide to bet money (even increasing the bet) they don't have, thinking it's a sure thing, but they lose, and now they need to find the money or there's going to be trouble. They somehow get a cash advance and try to play roulette for the money, but it fails. Then Jed meets up with a mysterious woman played by Tane McClure who promises to cover their bet if he does some things for him, and that's when the movie becomes just like Indecent Proposal.The acting is here is pretty good for a drama, but the sex scenes aren't very good. Tane McClure did tighten her buns, but she's pretty stiff. As for Gabriella Hall, she was alright, but she's nothing mind-blowing, although I did like her in Centerfold. Tim Abell has an attitude throughout the film. I did love the twists and turns, and especially the ending, though. I was cheering for it. The reason I liked this film was Vegas. The mindblowing scenery just makes me want to return there and walk in the neon glow.
babeulous Gabriella Hall and Tracey Warfel (Playboy's _Blondes, Brunettes, Redheads_ 1997) are both beautiful. Hall can act, Warfel doesn't really get a chance. Unfortunately, Tane McClure has the female lead in this picture.There's nobody to like or feel sorry for in this picture. Everybody's mean to everybody else. Warfel has one good scene.If you don't try to guess it, the ending might surprise you. I guess that makes it a mystery. There are some sex scenes, but they're short and not particularly thrilling.