Enemy Gold
Enemy Gold
R | 03 June 1994 (USA)
Enemy Gold Trailers

Three Federal agents go in search of gold supposedly hidden by Quantrell during the Civil War after they are suspended by a corrupt official for excessive force during a drug raid. Meanwhile a drug lord hires a hit woman to kill the three for interfering with his operations.

Cortechba Overrated
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
gridoon "Enemy Gold" marks a turning point in Andy Sidaris' filmography: his son Christian is sitting in the director's chair, and Dona Speir, Roberta Vasquez and Cynthia Brimhall are gone. The female lead this time is Suzi Simpson, and she is quite a find (I wonder why Sidaris didn't use her again): she has a great body (no matter what angle you look at it from), combined with a sweet, innocent face and a cute smile; she is appealing in the same way that Hope Marie Carlton was, plus she fights a bit more than other Sidaris heroines. Tai Collins, as a higher-in-command agent, is another total knockout, and Julie Strain, as an assassin-for-hire, is like a mythological Amazon come to life. Looking at this woman is much better than listening to her - her delivery turns her character into camp. The pacing of the movie lags in the second half, and when it's all over you have the feeling (as with other Sidaris movies) that it could have been much better. But what is there on the screen is still enjoyable - some of the lines are funny and all of the women are sexy. (**1/2)
Piotr Sienkiewicz This movie is in a league of its own. Caught this on Beer Goggle Vision on Spike TV at 2am, and it reaches the final frontier of B rated (C rated) movies.The conversion between the producers of the movie must have went something like this.Exec 1: "Hey, so we got these two playboy chicks, maybe we should make a movie with them" Exec 2: "Ok, but we will need a plausible story line that will work with their gigantic breasts, and lack of acting ability"Exec 1: "True, I've got just the thing. Let's stick in Bruce Penhall and Mark Berrier into the movie. Next to them Suzi Simpson will look like Elizabeth Taylor." Exec 2: "Fantastic, but whats the plot" Exec 1: "Lets go with the usual. Special agents fighting a drug lord. They find some diary, and look for gold" Exec 2: "Brilliant!" Exec 1: "We can call it Enemy Gold" Exec 2: "I like it! Also, we can get the one of the A Team directors to helm the film" Exec 1: "Okay, lets start shooting tomorrow. I want this in theatres next month"So yeh, that sums it up. If you need a good laugh, grab some smokes, some beer and some friends and you got the night made.
jeffsepu68 Its gotta rank right up there. BAAAAD baad movie, and I mean even for the late night spanking genre it did by the numbers. Even the porn scenes ached, and with Suzy Simpson and Tai Collins, Playboy's finest back in the day, they coulda done SOOOOO much more. If only the rest of it was merely BORING and not NAUSEATINGLY IDIOTIC...
The Ugly Man You know, it takes a big man to do a good job at a hard task. But it takes an even bigger man to admit he what he cannot do, and then strive to do what he does best. That is Andy Sidaris in a nutshell. True, while he'll never be the next Steven Speilberg, he is truly a master at the task which is presented to him: B-movies. I have only seen three of his films and can tell this already. Enemy Gold is one of them. This film is a slap in the face to those who say that the exploitation of Sex, violence, and rock-&-roll are wrong, and then rubs the slap down with a little ice. What I'm trying to say is, that this movie, while not entirely wholesome, is still a good movie, no matter how you slice it. The enormous juggs are just a way of keeping peoples attention.