Fair Game
Fair Game
R | 08 July 2022 (USA)
Fair Game Trailers

A young woman running a wildlife sanctuary in the Australian outback is in for trouble when she is confronted by three kangaroo hunters. Bored with killing kangaroos, they decide to kill the animals in the sanctuary, and when they see how attractive the owner is, they decide to have a little "fun" with her, too. Turns out that they may get a bit more "fun" than they bargained for.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
chris-w-king This film was strange, entertaining, but strange. It lacks much logic, like almost every 10 minutes the heroine would escape her house and evade the poachers, and ride, drive or run seemingly miles, then walk back to her home in seconds. The plot mostly involves a women who is teased by poachers, so she teases back, so they tie her to a car topless and drive her through a desert, so she takes there guns, so they chase her to kill her, so she.... you get the idea. If i learnt anything from this film its this; if your alone in the middle of nowhere with the poachers on your land, don't continuously screw them over or you'll end up almost raped (or topless tied to a car)and having your home destroyed. There is no one to feel sympathy for in this, as she is pathetic and idiotic as the redneck type poachers on her land. Although the plot seems repetitive, i really enjoyed it, and its stupidity. Its no razorback in terms of filmmaking, or good ol' ozploitation but it has some scenes well worth hunting out if you like sleazy forgettable garbage as much as me. The ending is over the top, and unjustified, on account of both party's, but then as she did steal their guns, beat them senseless, and steal their van, yet she is the one taking revenge. Genius.
lost-in-limbo This mid-eighties thriller is a skimpy, but surely entertaining and crazy Australian b-grade exploitation attempt at the revenge sub-genre. A young woman takes on some restless kangaroo poachers who go onto make her life hell, when she confronts them about killing animals on her wildlife sanctuary. It's a lot better than you're led to believe. A cat (well there's three of them) and mouse game evolves, as they simply go tit for tat (no one is desperate to back down) in humiliating, terrorising and finally gaining sweet vengeance. The savage violence isn't particularly extreme, as it has a comic book tone to it, but it's mean-spirited and gustily dished-up. From the get-go you can tell it's going to be thrilling, exciting and blistering as it gets straight in to it and never adjusts otherwise. The suspense holds up and the adrenaline kick gets the heart-pounding in many knuckle-busting sequences (the memorable trophy truck ride). Andrew Lesnie sharply photographs the colourfully rugged Australian landscape and wildlife, but it's the moody nightlife cinematography that adds the atmospheric dynamics. Cassandra Delaney (who looks lovely and spends the quite bit time in the flesh) brings a genuine grittiness and sympathetic side to a strong, capable character. The boneheaded, cruel poachers are eccentrically portrayed by Peter Ford, David Sandford and Gary Who. From this inclusion, the gigantic killer pig feature 'Razorback (1984)' comes to mind. Dominating a lot the scenes would be that of Ashley Irwin's uncanny live-wire and throbbing music score. Sometimes uncalled for, but always palatable. Director Mario Andreacchio makes good of the psychical set-pieces and locations. While writer Rob George's material is fundamental, he still strikes up a dependable script that never resorts to camping it up. An agreeable revenge item.
EyeAskance This better-than-you'd-expect Aussie revenge thriller pits a young female wildlife refuge ranger against a trio of moronic imbeciles who terrorize her in a senseless cat-and-mouse game in the great outback. Some fairly effective scenes play out in this otherwise unexceptional and run-of-the-mill revenge yarn.Good performances and interesting location filming highlight this, a take-it-or-leave-it indie film which could have benefited from more gratuitous nudity and violence...the final product,while not at all bad, seems rather lacking in the sleaze factors which fans of this type of film are generally looking for.4.5/10...neither fish nor fowl, but definitely watchable.
tummyfan Watched this as an idle rental and was amazed by the erotic nature of the showdown scene where Cassandra Delaney is tied to the bonnet of the truck. I watched the UK version and I reckon most of the juicy bits have been edited out compared to journeyman's comments, (it was released in 1985, probably wouldn't be touched now) but it was still a surprise when that scene played. The rest of the film was pretty good too, but it's that one scene that sticks in my mind.