Sex: The Annabel Chong Story
Sex: The Annabel Chong Story
| 11 February 1999 (USA)
Sex: The Annabel Chong Story Trailers

The documentary follows Annabel Chong, former record holder for the world's largest gang bang, which she set in 1995 by having sex with 70 men. It focuses on her reasons for working in porn, and her relationship with friends and family.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Theo Robertson I watched this simply because I was intrigued by the write up in the TV Guide which mentioned that Annabel Chong is the porn star who was setting a record for having sex with 251 men in 10 hours . Aren't you also intrigued ? There's two reasons for a prospective audience to watch this . One is that they're equally intrigued as I was and the second reason is that it sounds like really good masturbation fuel . If you're watching for the second reason you'll be bitterly disappointed since there's very little on screen sex but if you're watching for the sensible reason you'll still be as disappointed as the voyeurs . Ms Chong gives a pretentious neo feminist explanation of why she's doing it , something along the lines of " I'm doing this because I'll be striking a blow against chauvanism and by being in control of the situation I'll be showing that it's the men who are sluts " . I don't think Ms Chong has thought through he reasons fully . Either that or she's not a great communicator What is obvious is that Annabel Chong is certainly a very unhappy individual who probably needs to use sex in order to boost her esteem in much the same way as a person with a drink problem uses alcohol to boost their self esteem . Sex and alcohol like so many things in life are metaphysical false economies for the human soul . Luckily we see towards the end of the movie the self destruction that being a porn star can bring but Ms Chong unlike the audience can't see the woods for the trees
mandaloria After seeing this movie i really felt sad for Annabel/Grace. She has got brains, she is also a very mentally unstable person. I think that what got across really well in this movie is the duality of her character. The porn-star and the malaysian girl so to speak. The scenes with her family is very touching, just as the footage from her "gang-bang" is nothing but the plain opposite.This movie gives an insight to the realities of the porn-industry in an non-flattering, but honest, manner. It IS very obvious that Grace is not in control of her situation, with her totally different appearances in this documentary. Sometimes she is the hardcore slut-queen, sometimes the academic, sometimes the bimbo and mostly she just seems lost (not to mention self-destructive). Quite a schizofrenic experience. I know that she is playing a role and living up to peoples expectations, but i still....see for yourself.I think that this is a very important and thought provoking film in many aspects..and should be seen by much more people. This is Annabel´s movie, straight out..just like a documentary should be. It is up to you, the viewer, to make up your mind about the questions it raises. And they are very disturbing.I hope she have found peace with herself now.Note: I do not take side in the pornography-debate here, but you will never look upon the porn-industry in the same way again after watching this movie.
missamerica1974 This is a well-done documentary, but it is also very disturbing. While Annabel Chong may claim she sees her recording breaking sex-a-thon was about women's empowerment, what the filmmaker managed to show is that she is a deeply disturbed woman.
CharltonBoy This film is quite disturbing because all you come away feeling is angry.Angry at the morons who exploited this woman , angry at the documentary maker ,who seemed to revel in the fact that this woman made the most appalling decisions and mostly you feel angry at Annabel Chong. This woman is the most pathetic specimen i have seen i many a long time. She has no regard for her family or her own health. After taking part in the totally unsexy gang bang she didnt care if she caught aids , she didnt care what her friend , family or college friends thought and most of all she obviously didnt care what a pathetic woman she looked like the general public by making the film. The only reason the porn industry wanted anything to do with this immature woman is because she had no scruples and would sleep with over 250 men. It certainly can't be because the woman is sexy or erotic in anyway. She is a pug like ugly woman who's teeth look like thy have been modelled on Stonehenge. All i can say is that if Annabel Chong ( or whatever your real name is) reads this please have some dignity and respect your body and family and leave the porn industry to those who are good at it and look the part. 5 out of 10.