Seven Servants
Seven Servants
| 04 October 1996 (USA)
Seven Servants Trailers

An elderly man wants to exit earth in a state of unity with all creatures. To that end, he hires a quartet of manservants to plug his facial orifices with their fingers.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
saadi1-288-801401 I found it quite difficult to sit through this film on DVD. I knew it was not going to be good as soon as the titles rolled. Bad, tasteful dancing letter graphics and a sepia orange filter on everything are dead giveaways. Another bad sign: two directors and a credit for additional editing. Usually means it has been cut down and possibly butchered. Reminded me a bit of the work of Parajanov and Derek Jarman. Has that kind of gay art film 'malaise' feel to it, but without the open courage and conviction of those two. It is neither film as art nor regular cinema. It falls in between the two stools. I was interested in the Gato Barbieri score but even this was very slight. As for Anthony Quinn his monologues and dialogs reminded me of the sound track of a continental high gloss porn film.
k-lohan in had heard about this film many times,but could never get to see it until recently and finally i just bought it,and saw the movie of my life moved me so much that i started creating a list under different names in which Seven Servants would stand as the movie to reckon with; the most original film i had ever seen the strangest film i had ever seen the most important film i had ever seen the film with funniest scenes perhaps even in the list of the most beautiful films ever as wellseven servants,Satyricon; and perhaps only &à or &( other movies in all cinema pages ave been able to open my eyes that movies are not just there to tell stories but to introduce to viewers a whole world that could only be possible to show in form of moving pictures. daryush shokof and his extraordinary film Seven Servants are perhaps also in my list of; the most underrated or perhaps even completely ignored identities of the most creative minds all together? my tip is that there really are and will always be people amongst us that would never be understood, credited, and or appreciated for what they brought to this world and some others who would be given all for so little they did? continuously a wondering question that clouds my mind many times a day? seven servants is for me perhaps really the first religion coming to mankind in form of a great picture and of artistic merits belonging to the grand masters of the arts at highest levels.
bolandep its a man, called anthony quinn at his best. its a connection never seen before in any creativity of thoughts, its a story about unity of mankind, its shokof,s greatest work as a visionary, its shokof,s contribution to the world of humanity, equality, brotherhood, sisterhood, and its the most amazing movie ever made, if not the most important as well, and all in all one of the greatest gifts to mankind from Shokofestan. shokof and his world are here to be remembered forever. another 10 your way shokof and to your planet as well. the Shokofestan.i saw the movie, and it touched me deep in my heart but my brain as well. then, i was so disappointed not to ever see the film come to the public for so many years until it just recently got released. you know what is great about a great work is that like a great work of art it will stay eternal. in fact they should have really waited to publicize this extraordinary work in year 3000. it is still too early for such a monumental work to be ready for public . however, i am happy and have no problems with it coming out sooner, much sooner than expected. the 10 seven servants gets from me now will last anothe 3000 years. man, what a mind.
bassives i just read that this wonderful jewel of a film finally gets to be released. what a great surprise, even though for whatever the reason(s) it had to stay hidden for over 13 years. this film represents what an idea can do to a whole generations to come only if that idea is understood rightly and promulgated even more correctly and orderly. seven servants is really not just a movie. it has no red line m and or any standards a movie has had for over 100 years. it is best said by Quinn himself perhaps to be seen in 2300. it would be looked at with some definitively stunning reactions when showed in 2300 somewhere in a cinema on earth on top of a hill where someone holds it dearly to his chest and announces it as the holy film to the viewers watching the wide screen digital thing in the hands of the person on top of the is a religion. it has to do with all of Shokof,s thoughts, life, paintings, beliefs and above all Yekishim in which he sees our only way out of this planet and encountering the truth about the creation is man,s UNITY (Yekishim). regardless of terrible acts by most all of the male servants, the film stands tall and above everything we have ever seen before with the addition of Quinn having delivered his doubtlessly greatest act of his life.the film could have easily been nominated and in my opinion worthy enough of 4 Oscars starting with Directorial , Quinn, and Gato Barbieri,s music+ some amazingly original set design, and above all one hell of a script.go for this one if this film happens to be the only movie you would ever see in your servants, Mr. Shokof, and.......................get at least a 10 from me for being out of this world and on the right track leading all of us with it.