Must See Movie...
The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Rio Hayward
All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Scott LeBrun
Beau Bridges directs himself in this utterly preposterous but entertaining thriller. He plays a judge who was forced to release some minority punks who'd robbed and killed a woman, due to insufficient evidence. This enrages her husband (Ron Leibman), one of those local businessmen you see on TV with the corny ads. Since the husband is more than a little unhinged, he gets even by kidnapping the judges' smoking hot young wife (Julianne Phillips), and forcing the judge to go into the toughest parts of town to obtain some supposed evidence that would have helped convict the punks.You don't have to think too hard about this one. It establishes itself as ridiculous escapism early on, with Bridges putting the pedal to the metal, so to speak. And that's the best thing about "Seven Hours to Judgment": it rarely stops moving, enabling itself to wrap up in a tidy 91 minutes. If it was attempting to make a statement on the sad, sad state of affairs regarding the "justice" system in the U.S.A., it kind of blows it by making Leibmans' character such a nutcase. He goes from being a sympathetic character to an out and out villain pretty quickly, enlisting the services of a simple minded employee (played by the massive "Tiny" Ron, who does get a good showcase). But it does sort of succeed, at least to some small degree, by giving Bridges' well-off character a chance to see how the other half lives.Bridges is overall too insipid for us to root for him that much, while Phillips is wasted in a mostly thankless role. The two of them don't generate any real chemistry, either. Leibman, as he's so often been prone to do, absolutely demolishes the scenery. Reggie Johnson ("Platoon") is fine as a clichéd tough talking gangbanger. Familiar faces like John Aylward ('ER'), John Billingsley ('Enterprise'), and Steve Harris ('The Practice') turn up, while veteran actor Al Freeman Jr. ("Malcolm X", 'One Life to Live') has a nice presence as Bridges' psychiatrist friend.Location filming in Seattle does help a fair bit in the enjoyment of this one. If you desire mindless B movie thrills, you could do worse.Six out of 10.
***SPOILERS*** Off the wall movie about how the justice system fails those that its supposed to protect that has the victim, or her husband, look far worse then his victimizers.With his wife Ellen, Sandra Lee Gimple, after being pushed off a subway platform on life support TV electronic pitchman David, known professionally as "Crazy Davy", Reardon, Ron Leibman, tries to get the judge handling his wife's attackers case John Eden, Beau Bridges, evidence that would have them indited. Judge Eden telling the distraught husband to take the evidence to the D.A's office has Reardon loses it and then ends up not only kidnapping Eden's wife Lisa, Julianne Phillips, but the judge himself.Reardon coming up with this insane plan for Eden to get the evidence within seven hours or else he'll murder his wife ends up letting those who attacked his wife, who had since died of her wounds, get away with even more crimes. That's by Reardon knowingly allying himself, in his attempt to kill Eden, with them! Besides himself Reardon has this seven foot tall hulking assistant Ira, Tiny Ron, in on the plan to do in both Eden and his wife without him, by being a bit retarded, not really realizing it. Treating Ira like a full-grown baby Reardon gives him all the kindness and understanding that he so desperately needed after someone very very close to him departed the scene. You see Ira has never been the same since his beloved pet parakeet passed away. In having the sweet fatherly and understanding Reardon, who gives Ira all kinds of toys and games to play with, as his boss in a way helps Ira forget all that.***SPOILERS*** We have Eden running an inner city obstacle course in him getting the evidence to indict and convict Reardon's wife's killer gang leader Chino played by the handsome charismatic and and very talented, and who's never been seen or heard from since, Reggie Johnson. This crazy scheme thought out by the now obvious insane Reardon comes crashing down on his head with him, not Mr & Mrs Eden, becoming history by the time the movie ends.
Oddly enough i saw this movie a few times as I worked at a theatre and well could never afford film school and dreamed of what would never be. oddly enough as i recall now in hindsight MORT ABRAHAMS was in the theatre with me watching the movie. Wish i would have recognized him then. A curious thing but well, a footnote in my past now. the film is a cross between psycho and the REBECCA LYONS version of THE LADY THE TIGER AND THE DOOR and a "on the lamb movie". The film mixes courtroom drama with a race against time as a judge must be judged by the derrainged survivor of a murder spree who lost his wife. The judge must try to save his wife while racing through SEATTLE to find clues and being pursused by vicious street gangs who do not want the truth to come out. A great modest budget movie which features a fine cast including some very talented extras. the film was an independent feature from TRANSWORLD, before they went primarily straight to video. The film sports good directoral and production values. I liked the "dream like" otherworldly sequences which added a human touch to the judge and a artsy feel. The film did more monetarily on video tape after theatrical release. A fine movie relesed in sleeper status with little fan fare or advertisement. Several films did this one the year before in 1987 was THE HIDDEN.
Zantara Xenophobe
WARNING: There are SPOILERS in this review. Do not read it if you plan on seeing it.I had heard about this movie for years. I heard the plot and was immediately curious. I went to all my local video rental places (and some non-local ones) and searched for it, but no one carried it. It never showed up on television of cable, either. I thought I would never see it until I spotted it in a discount bin at a supermarket. So I bought it for $4.75 and took it home to see. When I saw it, I was pleased and disappointed at the same time.
The plot is really interesting. Beau Bridges is a criminal judge that gets a case where a woman was allegedly shoved off a platform and into the path of a subway by three hoodlums. Before the case begins in court, the victim's husband, Ron Leibman, meets with Bridges and asks him to delay the case. Leibman says that he got a call from a man who claims he has proof that the hoodlums committed the crime, and he will give the evidence to Leibman that night. Bridges refuses to hear Leibman's claims on ethical grounds, and goes ahead with the case. He is forced to let the three hoodlums go on a technicality, even though he knows they are guilty. Leibman's wife dies in the hospital, which makes him snap. He kidnaps Bridges's own wife, Julianne Phillips, with the help of a slow giant that works for him at his electronics store. He then kidnaps Bridges and tells him that Bridges must collect the evidence from the source within seven hours or else his wife dies. The big catch is that Bridges has been stripped of his rich luxuries. He must run through the streets that Leibman claims he `helped create' with nothing more than a subway token.I loved what this movie had to say on the criminal justice system. While it is true the rights of the accused must be protected, the courts of the 1980's took things too far and made it difficult to prosecute many criminals that were most certainly guilty. Then there is the awesome performance by Leibman. It is interesting in that he scares you because his madness is all too real, but you feel sorry for him because of what happened to his wife and Bridges's cold denial of his request. And there is also the interesting character of the giant, played by `Tiny' Ron Taylor. The problem is that they are all subdued by the poor direction. And the director is none other than Beau Bridges. The climax, where Bridges arrives at his final destination and must get past the electronic traps that Leibman has set up, is great, but the final few scenes, when one side defeats the other, is really poor. I kept thinking the final fight was going to continue on. The worst moment in the movie is inexcusable. After Bridges collects the evidence, he leaves the source's building and, right next door, is Leibman's electronics shop. It is impossible to believe that the source lived right next door to Leibman's shop, because Leibman would not have needed to wait to get the evidence originally. But if you can get past this poor direction, you might enjoy what lies under the surface. I may not watch my copy of this movie again, but at least I got my money's worth, which is more than I can say for most of the films I watch.Zantara's score: 6 out of 10.