Seven Days
Seven Days
| 14 November 2007 (USA)
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A successful lawyer who, in order to save her daughter, is pressured into defending the innocence of a man slated to receive the death penalty.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Wordiezett So much average
Logan Dodd There is definitely an excellent idea hidden in the background of the film. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find it.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Azaan Haider Seven Days stars Yunjin Kim from the critically acclaimed T.V. show "Lost". It's about the fight for justice in the midst of corruption and I can definitely say is absolutely satisfying. The way the events play out and the way the film keeps the audience engrossed is a treat. The Filmmaker does manage to bring some of the best traits from Hollywood into Korean Cinema. The production values are slick, with a gritty look and style which help to set up the mood and tone of the film. Violence has always been a problem with Korean films and here there is some but never to shock, more to elevate the story. The characters are believable and the film truly has some heartbreaking scenes. One last thing : The twists keep coming and turning which will keep you on the edge of the seat. It's an interesting case unraveled.Final note - Seven Days succeeds in combining the courtroom drama/criminal investigation with the kidnapping thriller sub-genre. It delivers two hours of solid entertainment and what more could you want?
gridoon2018 The main, if not the only to be honest, reason I watched this film is that it stars the beautiful, expressive, athletic Korean actress Yunjin Kim, who has of course become an international star thanks to her regular role as Sun in the TV series "Lost". She does not disappoint - she gives a terrific performance here. The story, a mix of kidnapping thriller, whodunit and courtroom drama, is VERY complex, loaded with red herrings and engaging for the most part, until a final twist that's a bit far-fetched. Let's just say that you probably WON'T guess the identity of the kidnapper until the end, but only because his / her motivations and the lengths that he / she goes to for the sake of his / her plan are a bit hard to swallow. But the main problem with "Seven Days" is the too-often gimmicky, frantic direction. While it has its inventive moments (Kim "watching" her kidnapped child), it usually just makes scenes hard to watch. At 130 minutes, the film is too long, but the cast and most of the story are strong enough to earn it a mild recommendation. **1/2 out of 4.
dc-1 I was eagerly anticipating the return of Kim Yoon-jin to Korean movies after her long absence due to the 'Lost' TV show. What I didn't anticipate what a tired, confused and ludicrous thriller she'd end up starring in; granted she was parachuted into the production at short notice but didn't she read the script first? Re-tread the well-worn elements of the CSI franchise, stretch them out to a painfully overwrought 2 hours, toss in so many nonsensical plot twists so as to induce migraine and you're pretty much there with 'Seven Days'. The movie starts off running, which is no bad thing (given how many kidnapping movies we'll all seen) but then proceeds to twist and turn like the coherence of a headless chicken. Single-dimension characters with 'plot function' written on their foreheads do not make for an engaging thriller and the less said about the incongruous opening title sequence that shamelessly apes 'Se7en' the better.Korean movies can be big-scale (Taegukgi), they can be thrilling (Memories Of Murder), they can be bleak (Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance) and still be excellent. 'Seven Days' is none of these; it's a nasty, crudely executed, schizophrenically edited and cack-handedly directed piece that wastes your time and the talents of Kim Yoon-jin.
thebanquet I had very high expectations of Seven Days because I'm a big fan of lead actress Kim Yun Jin and because it got great reviews from critics, who called it 'a Korean film version of CSI'. I left the movie theater disappointed, because while this movie is OKAY, it doesn't deserve the hype that the media is giving it. (Just to give this movie a little bit of background, it was originally titled 'Thursday's Child', starring Kim Sun Ah, who's best known in the hit drama 'My Name is Kim Sam Sun'. Production on the movie was halted after the director was fired by the production company over creative differences. After waiting a couple of weeks, Kim Sun Ah left the project because she didn't want to keep waiting. Already, 2.8million dollars, a big sum by Korean movie standards, were spent on the movie and luckily, renowned actress Kim Yun Jin agreed to do the movie if they filmed it in a short period of time so they hired a new director, fixed the script to fit Kim's age and changed the title to 'Seven Days'.)The movie focuses around Yoo Ji Yun(Kim Yun Jin), a very able lawyer with a 99percent success rate. Because of her busy career, Ji Yun has little time to spend with her 8 year old daughter. When her daughter's school has their annual sports meeting, Ji Yun comes to spend time with her daughter. But while Ji Yun participates in a 100 meter relay race, her daughter suddenly disappears. The next day, a phone call arrives. The mysterious caller says that she must free Jung Chul Jin, a convicted murderer accused of murder. The final trial is in seven days, and if Ji Yun doesn't free Jung, she'll never see her daughter again.The concept itself is interesting. I can see why Hollywood bought the remake rights for one million dollars(a large sum by Korean movie industry standards), but it's like a stale cake. On the outside, it looks like a normal cake and is delicious. But after you eat it, you have a terrible stomach ache. I give this movie 6 stars because, it's very fresh in our movie industry, but the story itself is too, how can I say it, anyways, it could've had more depth.(I guessed who the kidnapper was as soon as his or her face appeared on-screen. It turns out to be the mother of the woman that was murdered by Jung Chul Jin.)