Seth MacFarlane's Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy
Seth MacFarlane's Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy
| 09 September 2008 (USA)
Seth MacFarlane's Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy Trailers

A series of short, non-sequitur skits that could never be shown as cutaway gags on Family Guy (1999) - but which its creators still want to show you anyway.

StunnaKrypto Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
John Kenny It must've been a painful evening for the crowd that went to the release of this trash-bucket. I'm a huge fan of Family Guy and American Dad. I think it's some of the most brilliant cartoon humor around. This, however was base, crude, sophomoric and flat-out embarrassing. If I was at the premiere, I'm sure I would have had to leave. I was truly deeply shocked at the difference in tone between FG, AD, and this. Also, Seth M. continually, obnoxiously jumps up and down on, and smashes the toes of Christian believers with ever-present offensive references to Jesus and God. God in bed with his "girlfriend" and because it's His birthday, he wants to skip the condom. NOT FUNNY. Let's see you make a caricature of Mohammed. See what happens. You do that to Christians because you know they won't fight back. McFarlane is his funniest when he just sticks to good ol' crazy "generally-offensive" humor, where every stereotype just gets whacked. Equal-opportunity discrimination, if you will.
sloppygoat The entire thing is either "Sex with a ________" (fill in the blank with whatever immature, idiotic thing you can think of), or penis, feces, and fart jokes. That about sums up the entire thing. I couldn't even watch it. In fact, I don't even think I like Family Guy anymore. Seth is just a sick, retarded individual. I actually feel sorry for him now. I really thought it might be funny, but it just isn't. I've laughed at some of the jokes in Family Guy, but it's now just so obvious that Seth just sits around thinking up very childish and crude things pretty much constantly. It's amazing that he's even capable of doing anything else. I'd rate this way below pathetic, if it were possible. I really tried to watch it, but it's so far beneath me, it was just impossible. If you think a complete lack of decency and dignity is always funny, then you'll love this. To anyone who has half a brain, I'd advise you not to waste your time on this one. You've been warned.
clarkedwardobrien This is a dumping ground for the non-sequitur gags that fail to make it into the final scripts for Family Guy before every sketch just read the title and picture Peter saying "That's nearly as weird as (insert title)".Why does Seth think animals acting like people is funny enough as a joke to stand on its own? The Ducks watching meet the parents is a good example them being Ducks doesn't make the dialogue funny your just expected to laugh because its ducks (how ceraazy). Oh and the Bob Marley police interrogation is probably the most obvious boring joke I've ever seen told in a non ironic fashion.In closing its dull, repetitive and pretty much makes me question how much Seth Macfarlane is responsible for the truly funny moments of American Dad and earlier episodes of Family Guy.
MCoverKT I have read many reviews of this title and concluded that you will either love most of the skits or hate them all.If you are not thick-skinned, not dirty-minded and are offended easily, do not watch this title. It IS very vulgar, but personally I can see through it to appreciate the sense of humor.The skits range from multiple "Sex with ________" skits to a sheep REALLY enjoying being sheered (shorn) {watch it and you'll see what that's about} Do not let the kids watch this.If I haven't scared you off, I also recommend watching it in 20 minute increments. All of the skits have the feel of Family Guy when they do the "That's like that one time where ____________ did _____________" flashback things. Watching that for an hour got a little tedious.So, if you're still interested after watching this, enjoy.