See Jane Date
See Jane Date
PG | 16 August 2003 (USA)
See Jane Date Trailers

When editor Jane Grant receives a plus-one invitation to her cousin's wedding, she finds herself in a predicament. To one-up her old high school rival Natasha Nutley, Jane tells her about her perfect, charming and handsome boyfriend -- except he isn't real. Catching word of her "boyfriend," Jane's intrusive Aunt Ida demands he make an appearance at the wedding. Now, Jane must go on every date she can snag to find a man who fits the bill.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Lawrence Muehrer Light Romantic chick flick comedy....not Tale of Two Cities, but is a 'for fun' movie. I enjoyed it because I thought /think Charisma Carpenter(Buffy the Vampire slayer) is a doll. Story is about Jane looking for love with help from her friendss, working in a busy work environment just not getting the breaks she needs. Holly Marie Combs(Charmed) adds a nice little role as her buddy.
ComedyFan2010 Not to be a snob, but when I saw that it is a TV movie and a romantic comedy I thought this combination would be a big fail. Surprisingly I enjoyed this movie more than I thought.While the main idea of the movie is not original: a usual thing, a single woman in her late 20's can't find the date for a wedding and looks for it. But at the same time scenes from the dates with the guys were very well done and had some hilarious humor from the good writing.I must say the ending was surprising too, really didn't think they would go this way. Actually I liked it.Holly Marie Combs did some great acting and I liked her character the most. Someone who surprise us and is actually multidimensional.
TallPineTree After a pre-Valentine's weekend of watching a number of romance movies, this was the last one I saw. Although I am far from the target demographic for this movie (late 20s single white urban female), surprisingly it was my favorite movie of the bunch. It moved right along, had some wit, and a couple references to more than shopping, hot guys, and weddings. For example, an interesting reference to DeNiro and Taxi Driver, Richard Gere, and Dustin Hoffman.Charisma Carpenter well... had charisma and I enjoyed watching her. She wasn't pencil thin and seemed to be a realistic woman.I enjoyed the dating scenes. There weren't that many and they got the point across succinctly as to why it was a bad date. The guys were insensitive but not as a typically boorish male movie character. And not all guys were bad. For some of the bad dates, I was actually amused. The movie though is more about Jane's growth in herself and in her view of others.I didn't believe Jane's work environment. Other than her boss, was anyone else over 30? Speaking of age, I thought most of the late 20s female characters looked and acted more like they were in their early-to-mid 20s.A nice light movie for now. 10-20 years from now - probably will seem dated.
MSusimetsa I was happily surprised by this made-for-TV movie. At first, the annoying jingles playing on the background in every scene really got on my nerves and distracted from the movie itself, but when one got used to that (learned to ignore it) the movie turned out to be a relatively thoughtful piece on the developing friendship between two women. The bits about dating difficulties actually started to seem a secondary plot, although they provided some funny moments too (not so thoughtful, though). I would have welcomed some less screen time given to the dating aspects and more to the description of the friendship.Charisma Carpenter was great in her lead role, but Holly Marie Combs was not too bad either.