Secrets of a Psychopath
Secrets of a Psychopath
| 03 November 2015 (USA)
Secrets of a Psychopath Trailers

Two siblings lure unsuspecting victims to their house through a dating site for games and slaughter.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Cortechba Overrated
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
ru_thaker After reading all the reviews, they more or less pinned it down to one thing- dreadful. In every sense.From the amateur acting,script to the general messy organisation of it all. I found myself cringing lots and it was unintentionally funny. The only thing that redeemed this film was the music score perhaps.
blumdeluxe To be honest, I don't really get what everybody dislikes so much about this movie. "Secrets of a psychopath" is one of the smaller Horror releases, that tells the story of two murderous siblings that are in a dysfunctional relationship resulting in the murder of numerous women.In my opinion, the story works. I'm quite sure a lot of it is scientifically nonsense but if you can ignore that it is actually quite easy to get drawn into the plot. I can't see that the film tries to make points with unnecessary sex scenes, either I missed them or my understanding of sex scenes differs a bit. At some points the movie tries to be humorous and while this is maybe a bit unneeded, I somehow liked it because it is rather subtle compared to most movies and doesn't break down the whole atmosphere.Just a few things I noticed, randomly ordered:1) I'm quite sure these are not the questions a psychologist would ask plus he told nothing about girls.2) The amount of hot girls this guy collects is ridiculous. Did the producers ever try out a dating site in preparation for the film? 3) When will people learn to provide some kind of plausible context. Can they please share two sentences in the cinema at least before she starts grabbing him? 4) Somehow I dislike that everything is explained through her beauty. It's like a hierarchy stating that she is worth more than the other girls.That said, "Secrets of a psychopath" is not a great movie, not a game changer or anything. But it is a solid and nice little Horror movie that will keep you entertained for its playtime.
Desirae I don't see how someone people saw these idiots as great actors/actresses for many reasons:They pause a lot as if they don't know their lines. I don't know if they're trying to be more suspenseful but they SUCK at it if that's the case. The script is AWFUL as well. I don't know what tf they were thinking while writing this crap. The first woman literally looked straight into the camera for a second & was definitely OVERDOING the "seduction" scene. That "dirty talk" was SO ridiculous! I laughed so hard!! Don't waste your time with this crap or you'll definitely regret it!
Leofwine_draca Now here's something incredible: SECRETS OF A PSYCHOPATH marks the return to the screen, after a 26 year hiatus, of writer/director Bert I. Gordon, aka the notorious Mr. B.I.G., famed director of 1950s monster fare such as THE AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN and BEGINNING OF THE END! Bert's last film was 1989's SATAN'S PRINCESS, and I think I can safely say that we all assumed he had hung up his hat and taken a long-overdue retirement after that movie. Well, now he's back at the tender age of 93 and making films again! Sadly, this is hardly a return to form for the old timer, as SECRETS OF A PSYCHOPATH is a near-unwatchable mess; an independent horror film featuring the talents of the ever-sexy Kari Wuhrer and not a lot elsewhere. The storyline is about a pair of unusual siblings and the murder plots that surround them, and of course there are the requisite flashbacks to earlier events that may or may not have had traumatic effects.What it all boils down to is a lot of talk and not a lot else. The story is padded out with dull sex scenes and even duller murder scenes. I like Wuhrer as a B-movie starlet, I always have done, but the supporting cast that surrounds her here is uniformly awful, with some truly embarrassing overacting going on in places. Sadly, SECRETS OF A PSYCHOPATH is a curious footnote in Gordon's long-term career rather than anything truly of merit.