Seattle Superstorm
Seattle Superstorm
| 31 March 2012 (USA)
Seattle Superstorm Trailers

An object is shot down over Seattle and the debris begins to affect the local weather, ultimately threatening the whole world.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Marshal Phipps This is a low budget Sci-Fi flick that surprises, the movie stands out due to its stunt work and special effects that are more polished than expected.The plot goes as follows, when an unidentified object is shot down by the military and crashes into Puget Sound, it sets off a series of strange weather phenomena: tornadoes and lightning storms that are spreading. A scientist (Esai Morales) and his fiancée (Ona Grauer) has to work together, find answers, and stop the storm before it becomes global.The movie has moments worth looking into, one example is where a tornado demolishes the Space Needle which should remind you of the beginning of 10.5 if you've seen it, another example is how the scientifically engineered organism that lands in Seattle can cause a runaway greenhouse effect and ultimately a global storm.There's nothing too special here, just some good old fashion fun, the film is watchable, I'll say that.
mcguin71 There are so many disaster movies out there, both good, bad and mediocre, that it takes some effort to say this falls squarely in to the 'don't bother' category...As a TV movie Seattle Superstorm doesn't start off well with its rather misleading title - a few dark clouds and a bit of wind does not make a Super-storm. Follow this up with dodgy acting, iffy dialogue, middle of the road effects,and worst of all terrible storyline and writing, and what you have is a disaster movie as a package and not just a genre.Character wise I didn't mind 'dad/scientist' Tom (Esai Morales) and could tolerate 'mom/Navy Lt' Emma (Ona Grauer) (although a Lt as the highest Military adviser?) however I would happily put their kids up for adoption as both 'gearhead' Wyatt (Jared Abrahamsom) and 'ecochick' Chloe (MacKenzie Porter) are eternally grating in their sinicism and petty battles. Of course two movie teenagers whose parents are due to remarry will rarely be best buddies (unless they are too close!),however this pair should be hidden in a dark seller with boxing gloves to sort out their differences.So what about the story? Well I for one am glad the US military will happily shoot down UFOs with apparently knowing nothing more than it was plotted by a bored tech operator in the standard 'Artic station'. And aren't we glad that the debris lands within yards of the nations disaster management officials...who just happen to be in Seattle(or Vancouver!?!..a dodgy CGI needle does not make a city!).The result is an increasingly dangerous superstorm that threatens to destroy the world in 4 weeks which gives the perfect excuse for dodgy science to win the day - but not before the requisite near death experiences of the primary characters.And this is what annoys me the most. In the mighty USA, so often gloating of their superiority in overcoming all threats its the same four dysfunctional family members who provide much of the knowledge and impetus in saving the world, not because its a TV movie and so you need a cheap and cheerful set of heros but seemingly because the government officials are ruled by a jerk, the armed forces are nonexistent after the initial actions, the emergency departments are awol, and even the local Seattle folks are busy just hiding in a dark corner.I seem to have fallen asleep during the explanation of the 'alien' artifacts so no spoilers other than saying what a surprise that the Russian chief scientist just happens to wander in to the exact same Seattle Lab that the protagonists are working in at the perfect moment to give detail background to the effects and the results. Maybe the security also fell asleep...?Overall I was pleasantly surprised - not by the movie as it was pants,but that I made it through to the end considering it wasn't even 'so bad its good' because it's really not.I've seen worse effects, and not all the acting was terrible...and that's about it for good points. The rest of the points were negatives and the score reflects it...3/10...avoid
Paul Magne Haakonsen Another epic disaster threatening the very existence of mankind? Haven't these scenarios soon been done enough? There are so many movies of this genre out there, and most of them, oddly enough, are quite bad and filled with lousy effects. Now, "Seattle Superstorm" was pretty much the same as most others of its genre, though it had slightly better effects.The story is about Tom (played by Esai Morales) and Wyatt (played by Jared Abrahamson) who have come together with Emma (played by Ona Grauer) and Chloe (played by MacKenzie Porter), but of course the two teenagers doesn't get along well and have problems coping with their parents coming together. But wait, it gets better, the USA army shoots down something unexplained over the skies of Seattle, and that triggers a cataclysmic event that spawns an ever-growing super storm that threatens all of Seattle, but then also all of USA and finally all of the world.And guess who is going to stop this super storm? Yep, that is right, the four family members, because apparently the government, the army, the fire department, the police department, even the common folks of Seattle have no interest in trying to stop this cataclysm. So it is up to the family of four! Yeah, that was just oh-so-believable, but also oh-so-stereotypical for movies in this genre. And by saying that of course they do stop it, I haven't revealed anything that you didn't already knew would happen. But come on, I mean, such a thing happening as to four people stopping Mother Nature's fury and saving all of the world, it is just such a ludicrous plot.The effects in "Seattle Superstorm" were actually alright. There were a couple of scenes that were questionable, but in overall, I found the storm effects to actually be alright. And I was laughing so hard when a bolt of lightning singled out the 'villain' of the story, that was just too much.The DVD cover said "A Disaster of Epic Proportions", so I was sort of thinking that they actually advertised that this movie was going to suck big time. But fortunately, "Seattle Superstorm" actually surprised me as it was slightly better than most other storm movies in the low-budget scale of movies."Seattle Superstorm" is adequate entertainment if you have nothing better planned or got nothing better to watch. It is the type of movie where you already know the ending even before you start the movie. So unhook your brain and just sit back on a stormy ride...
TheLittleSongbird As I've said many times before, I have made no secret of disliking a vast majority of SyFy's output. A couple are tolerable without ever being great, but a lot of them are either lame or bottom-of-the-barrel. As bad as they are, there's something about their awfulness that not only is compulsive but at times can amuse me. From reading the premise, which is the sort of nothing-new, silly sort of premise, I wasn't expecting much, but Seattle Superstorm actually was worse than I expected. It, even for a low budget TV movie, is a poorly made movie, with editing so slapdash it made my head hurt and special effects that are among the most cheap-looking and cheesily used of any effects in a SyFy movie since Titanic II. The dialogue is incredibly insipid, especially about when they are talking about who is going into the tank to release the water, and the story is dull and predictable with the positioning of the manual valve in a position where anybody about to open it would die was beyond stupid. I got a good laugh with the lightning obliteration scene, but that was it. The characters are among SyFy's most irritating and stereotypical, and the acting is very poor, Esai Morales is okay, but everybody else is just bad especially the 16 year old girl who not just once but twice comes up with a save the world solution and the grandfather who acts like he is in a different film altogether.All in all, SyFy have done worse than Seattle Superstorm, but it is still a train wreck. 1/10 Bethany Cox