Sealed Cargo
Sealed Cargo
NR | 19 May 1951 (USA)
Sealed Cargo Trailers

A Newfoundland fishingboat comes to the aid of a wrecked Danish sailing ship and tows it to a small village, but eventually the captain of the fishingboat realises that it's a U-boat supply ship in disguise, loaded with torpedoes. So, together with his crew and a group of villagers he sets about a plan to blow the ship as well as any U-boats that approach it. Based on the novel "The Gaunt Woman" by Edmund Gilligan.

Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
LeonLouisRicci A Taut and Tense WWII Drama that is Gripping from the Get-Go. The RKO Style does Service to a Tale, We are Told in the Prolog, that goes Virtually Unnoticed among the more Sprawling Battles in America's Fight Against Fascism.Moody, Grim, and No-Nonsense Approach (although some may say the "Woman On Board" Plot Element is a Stretch). The Female Ingredient, was a Standard to Bolster Box-Office, but is Handled OK and Not Forced into the Narrative.This Picture is Not Well Known in most Circles and really Surprises with Dana Andrews and Claude Rains heading a Cast of Sea Salts Butting Heads with the Nazis. Studio Bound and its B-Movie Pedigree Reveals itself but is Overwhelmed by the Witty Dialog and the Overall Atmosphere of the Frame.Highly Recommended and even Movie Fans not usually Drawn to War Films might want to Come Aboard.
bkoganbing Sealed Cargo would have been a typical war film had RKO done it in 1943 when people were willing to buy these kind of plots. By 1951 this had become clearly outdated. Howard Hughes must have been going through some old scripts and/or story ideas and came up with this one and said it would be a great film still.Dana Andrews stars in this film as Gloucester fishing boat captain whom we meet still griping because his is deemed a necessary occupation and he can't get in the fight. Still he takes his boat out for a run in the Grand Banks of Newfoundland with a special passenger in Carla Ballenda who wants to go there to meet her dad Onslow Stevens who is in the Canadian Air Force until recently invalided out. On the way Andrews spots a deserted ghost schooner ship with only her captain still on board, Claude Rains somewhat disheveled. He gives the ship a tow into the small fishing village he was to drop Ballenda off in. But the trading schooner is a disguise for the ship being the mother ship of a Nazi U-boat wolfpack. She's carrying in a secret compartment a load of torpedoes for the U-boats to reload and do their dirtiest fighting with. This film was so dated by 1951 the audience then must have been stunned. The players to their credit go at it with a straight face, especially Claude Rains who is a sinister figure among the ridiculous. Dana Andrews is a proper tightlipped hero.Sealed Cargo is a World War II propaganda exercise that someone forgot to make back then and then remembered in 1951.
Hollycon1 This film is great for the era it was filmed in! The cast is awesome, with Dana Andrews and Claude Rains as the two main characters. I liked it, and had never seen it before the "Memorial Day" War movie weekend on TCM. This film will have you guessing and once you think you have it figured out, __________________!!! I liked it and I usually get tired of the same old..... but, this is a good movie. I recommend viewing this film even if you aren't a WAR film buff. It has an element of film noir, lighting and spooky, lots of tension. Keep an open mind. Watch it! You might learn some things you didn't know. I sure did! This film is good viewing, great special effects, remember it was in the 50's so don't confuse it with any of the special effects that are available now. I don't especially like WAR films, but this is not just a 'shoot everyone, ask questions later' type of film. Quite enjoyable!
johnmperry It was just on tv yesterday. Quite well cast and acted, and a good storyline too. A couple of gaping holes in the script (do trawlers fish singly?) but not entirely implausible. Apart from the female lead wearing a white coat and a white sweater on a fishing boat, and it staying white.