Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday
Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday
| 10 April 1998 (USA)
Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday Trailers

A ship captained by the father of the leader of Delta Force is taken hostage by terrorists. As might be expected the force is sent in to stop them.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
hwg1957-102-265704 It has a hijacked submarine, a hijacked ocean liner, a hijacked missile base, a Shakespeare quoting villain not to mention the eponymous Delta Force. Is it good? Well, it's OK. The villain has a complicated scheme to obtain disappointingly lots of money and Delta Force are put into action and win the day. The action is OK, the acting is OK, the music is OK. The explosions are good and it is fun to see the villains mown down in slow motion with the heroes hardly getting a scratch, like a video game, but it eventually starts to pall. The film is however much too long. It could have done without the initial sequence of the Delta Force rescuing a prisoner from Iraq and gone into the main plot straight away.
mikko85 What can you say after watching this movie? That is, if you had the interest and concentration to see it to the end. I was left speechless, due to the amazingly dull story, annoying situations where one American equals that of a fifty or more Iraqis, and boring dialogue. I think that if this movie has something to teach, it probably goes like "Don't screw with US, or we'll come and kick your butts". Plus, this film truly encourages and votes for killing masses of foreigners, in the name of war. I got the image of tackling chess pieces out of the playing board. Except, now it's fast and there's not so much thinking. And on top of that.. no character there has any spirit; then, how can you care at all what happens to any of them. Excluding war movie fans with no taste, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. There should always be something more interesting to do.
~PL~ The Operation Delta Force series had no reason to justify its five (proudly) American products or either the shoot the five of them in only two years...so, in this case, I can say the job was made fast, but in a bad way...This one isn't an exception...the same recipe over and over again...the invincible squad of American soldiers killing thousands of terrorists from other nationalities such as the usual Russia...Is that a "Made in America political speech"? What could be a plot summary for this movie if it's not "American muscled heroes kicking the terrorists' butts"? I saw Operation Delta Force 3: Clear Target, and it was the SAME thing, the only advantage in the third one was that it lasted shorter...A huge advantage in this case! The acting...if you call it so...is plain bad...I've never seen the actors of ODF2 before, and I hope I won't see them again! The characters are single-minded...definitely...and it is at some point funny...you can't say anything about any character...I don't even remember the principal character's name...no informations given about any characters except maybe the size of his gun...so in this film, the most important characters are the guns...The special effects are not bad, but they're not reinventing cinema...Another funny point is that SO many people get shot in this film, and there is almost no blood...And THE point that made the film last so long was the stupid and pathetic slow-motion with the backing patriotic American music during all the action scenes (that means more than three quarters of the movie)...Plain bad...If you like guns, soldiers and EXTREME cliches that you could see in a Simpson's episode put in a serious way, or if you really dislike Russians, you'll like this one...But, if you're someone who has healthy movie tastes...avoid it...I give it 28%.
TEXICAN-2 A no-name cast, so-so plot, lots of action, and you've got a reasonable rainy afternoon movie. It was a miserable day, and all I wanted was a simple, typical action flick that wasn't preachy didn't worry about being politically correct (well, not too worried), and didn't require absolute attention to keep up with the plot. I didn't expect the greatest show on earth, and was entertained for 108 minutes. That's what I wanted, that's what I got.