R | 12 May 2000 (USA)
Screwed Trailers

A chauffeur kidnaps his rich boss's dog to hold it for ransom, but when she accidentally gets the dog back, she thinks that it's the chauffeur who's been kidnapped.

SoftInloveRox Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
popcorninhell Remember when Norm MacDonald was funny? Okay, remember when people thought Norm MacDonald was funny? There was a time in the late- nineties/early-two-thousands he got the full post-SNL treatment: a few leads in a a bunch of little seen comedies, his own sitcom which lasted a few seasons and he even got a gig as Lucky the Dog in Doctor Dolittle (1998). Among his various appearances at that time was the 2000 flop Screwed co-starring Dave Chappelle, Danny DeVito and Elaine Stritch. In it Norm plays a mistreated chauffeur who kidnaps his boss's dog and holds it ransom. After a series of unfortunate events however, the dog winds up back home and the boss and authorities believe the chauffeur to be kidnapped.What sets Screwed apart from other SNL-themed dead-horse-beaters is its unpredictability. While the insanity never reaches an energetic crescendo, its never the fault of the winning script; written by Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski. You may recall they are the same writing partners that made Ed Wood (1994), The People Vs. Larry Flynt (1996) and Man on the Moon (1999). In Screwed their slumming not just as writers but as directors yet there's still a sly subtext of a desperate working class struggling against an uncaring bourgeoisie. It brings to mind Big Deal on Madonna Street (1958) among other Commedia all'italiana only set to American tastes.All the supporting cast members including and especially Elaine Stritch and Dave Chappelle have brought their A-game. Norm MacDonald stands as the only discord in this goofy farce about crime and desperation. That and perhaps the sloppy, almost Kevin Smith-like direction and cinematography. Other than that however, the movie is worth a second look or at the very least worth more than a 7% on rottentomatoes. Even Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) got away with a 19%.
mario_c It's a little film that really tries to be funny but ends being more like silly or stupid than funny. The plot isn't really a novelty but that's even not the big deal, the real problems are at the acting and the jokes. Some of the jokes are funny, OK, but the major part is so ridiculous that the fun is completely lost! I was induced to watch this movie by some comments I saw here on IMDb, saying it's hilarious and a good movie, but I must disagree. I laughed at many parts of the movie and I was entertained for 1h18 (even here the film is short…), I cannot deny it, but at the end I found this film more silly/pathetic than funny. I score it 4/10.
Zmajina If you're like me and don't want to waste your time on brainless comedies, you might have very well missed this nice little film. Why? Because it sure looks brainless at first. If I had had anything better to do during the first five or ten minutes of "Screwed", I'd have turned off the TV.But I watched it long enough to realize it was actually very funny. However, it is so unashamedly and deliberately superficial that you can very easily miss its charm if you see only a couple of scenes. Each element (actors, script, direction) is weak by itself. But when they are combined, they somehow manage to conjure that rare magic which we call a good comedy.Unfortunately, at the two-thirds mark, the film develops an additional plot which is just boring. Your cue: stop watching when DeVito starts ripping off posters from lampposts. From that moment on, the frequency of good jokes decreases dramatically.Still, the first part of the film is a laugh fest. I recommend it to anyone looking for a good light-hearted (and slightly vulgar) comedy.
MartinHafer Norm MacDonald works for a very rich and nasty lady (Elaine Stritch). After putting up with tons of abuse from her, he decided to get revenge by kidnapping her horrid dog and holding it hostage. His friend (Dave Chappelle) lends him a hand and soon are the subject of a nationwide manhunt! Will the guys get away with it or will they go to prison and become somebody's boy toys?The reviews for this movie were SAVAGE. I've seen wars get better reviews! The attacks were strong and brutal. That's probably why I am so charitable in my review. It just didn't seem like a bad film to me. Great?! No way, but there were enough moments to keep my interest and merit a score of 6. Sometimes I wonder if I am crazy (a possibility) or the movie reviewers are just lemmings who follow each other's leads.Elaine Stritch was incredibly mean and hateful, as her role demanded and there were some other supporting actors who I really liked as well, but the one who really stood out to me was Danny DeVito's incredibly weird and funny bit part as the president of the Jack Lord fan club (and a total psycho to boot).By the way, if you liked this film, try watching another MacDonald film DIRTY WORK. It might be a tad funnier but both very rough comedies make you laugh--and isn't that enough sometimes?